The Kindness of Strangers

Hour Fourteen (The Other Side of the Coin) They pay it forward and press upon the smalls of backs urging one to continue- they hush the noise of conflict and like lampposts, guide the way with experience latched to their backs and wisdom tucked into…

Prompt Fifteen – Down Memory Lane

Hour Fifteen – Text Prompt Write a poem about an experience, but from the perspective of another. For example you could write a poem about your wedding from the experience of your spouse, or you could write a poem about an argument with a stranger…

Dance for the New Thought

Dance Dance Sway left and right. Twist and twirl. Dance Dance Step forward and back. Side slide, now again. Dance the night away. Have fun in the thinking.

Moving On – Hour Fifteen

Moving On We will never see eye to eye Our differences too great It makes no sense to question why It would make us irate It may be sad; we may have tried But it’s just not worth our troubles We’re better off our separate…

Question #2023poetrymarathon #prompthour15

Lady in the waiting room Vermillion smeared on forehead. Sandal paste on her neck Hands buried in beads Fumbling fingers moving The mouth chanting a prayer As her mother’s tired eyes wait Her hand clinging to her colostomy bag Patiently, just as the doctor said….


Hour Thirteen (One Side of a Coin) 11:11 Cracking the shell of identity tiptoe down the minefield of popular opinion – to where even the waters of emotion are infiltrated by metallurgic constructs intended to eviscerate the existence of personal desire and choice. Mindful and…

Prompt 14 – Redaction, not reduction

Prompt Fourteen – Text Prompt Redacting is the act of censoring or obscuring part of a text. Sometimes it is done by the author themselves, and more often it is done by someone else. I want you to write a poem and then during or…

Reacting to a New Way

Here    am. Blind in   . Trying something. stress? Nerves,    , hope? React   Reach   …. Can     help in place of thought.

Prompt Thirteen – Aye, Write!

Prompt Thirteen – Text Prompt Describe your profession through a funny/humorous poem.   Aye, Write!   A Fighter? No no, a writer. I write. You what? I write, you know? Words? Pens? Paper? Well, I never. You write for a living? Not much of a…

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