Prompt 10, Hour 8

The hour of the form poem is upon us. This hour is dreaded and beloved.

This year the form is the Sevenling. The creation of this form is attributed to Roddy Lumsden and it is based on the following poem by Anna Askhmatova.

He loved three things alone:
White peacocks, evensong,
Old maps of America.

He hated children crying,
And raspberry jam with his tea,
And womanish hysteria.

… And he married me.

The idea is that the poem has seven lines. Lines one to three should contain three connected or contrasting statements or list three details.

Lines four to six should contain three connected or contrasting statements or list three details.

The seventh line should serve as narrative summary, punchline, or a juxtaposition.

Sevenlings are often untitled and tend to be a little quirky and mysterious. To learn more about the sevenling you can go here.


9 thoughts on “Prompt 10, Hour 8

  1. Calling self

    My heart desire
    Love, joy, and
    Peace that rule forever.

    Different were my moods
    Happiness, anger load, and
    Craving throughout my pregnancy.

    Daring faith was required to sustain marriage.

  2. Betwixt the two
    I love all things Parisienne and French
    Eiffel Tower and flowered park bench
    sculpture gardens and oil paints drenched.

    I dislike snakes and spiders hairy
    rainy days and drunkards merry
    mostly workdays with splash days flee.

    And teacher in London now I be.

    -Sandra Johnson, 6/22/19

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