I remember those stares through me
people forgetting I am there
even though I am right beside them
felt like a ghost
I often wondered if I existed
or am I just a ghost whispering things
Ignored by people I called friends
when I am sitting right there
I can’t count the number of times
I was left alone in a restaurant
because I spent one too many moments
in the bathroom and my friends forgot me
I listen a lot, while talk really less
After a while, my own existence doesn’t make a difference
Yet I felt comfort in listening
when other people talked around me
“I’m here” I want to yell
but I’m scared to make a scene
“Notice me” I want to ask
without sounding like an attention whore
Grant me a wish, God
If you exist and are merciful
I can deal with loneliness
but being invisible, I don’t think I can
–Surya T
Surya, the emotion in this piece is powerful. I think a lot of people can relate to the fear of being invisible. You work through the different dimensions of this with clarity; the progression of ideas is very effective.
Keep on writing!