Please complete the written portion of your driver’s exam as soon as possible, preferably by yesterday. Monitors are watching. NO GEL PENS!
- When apologizing to a police officer one should always, A. Wear a mustache, B. Offer to pay for coffee, C. Speak in free verse, D. All of the above.
- Tire pressure must be maintained by law. Tire pressure maintained by a tennis pro is, A. A mistake, B. Subject to jury ruling, C. Iambic, D. Okay if tennis pro owns the tire store.
- Never park closer to a fire hydrant than, A. About yay far, B. The length of a ’78 Montego, C. One year, D. Parks & Recreation.
- Water boils at, A. 114 degrees Celcius, B. The bottom of my radiator, C. Will, D. Newark, New Jersey.
- Turn signal lever may be found on, A. Amazon Prime, B. Joey’s car, C. This exam, D. The equator.
- Safely enter a roundabout in what direction? A. Nonet, B. Rondel, C. West, D. Tasty Kreme.
- How much ethanol is allowed in gasoline? A. What the sign says, B. 40 gal. per million, C. How big Big Gulp?, D. 18 years of age.
- What does a YIELD sign mean? A. Triangle, B. You like stink-eye?, C. Carl hasn’t stolen it yet., D. C.S. Lewis.
- Not that you would know, but a 4-wheel drive vehicle has how many wheels? A. Spare, B. Split, C. Steel-belted, D. Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Please describe the formation of the modern U.S. Highway System, in correlation with the Post Modern poetry movement, complete with contemporary references.
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