Desert Valley

Desert worn weaves platted through,
Silk soft with cactus pricks,
Covering tapestry and promises to fly
In places disintegrate at touch
In others bare fist galvanized rough
Such a foreigner to this landscape,
Not sure what ground will meet my step,
Months of cloud covered silence gave me a gift,
Deep inside I feel this call louder than ever,
Like a madman being the only one who can hear,
Ignoring the pleas of all those close
Knowing an oasis blooms beyond where they can see
Dowsing rods cross over that open wound
Cards blow fantasy across me
Even precious metals meant for gems is but a rock
Such a rock there is, but inside a greater splendor.

Am I the only one who reads all those word maps?
Reshaping verbal shards into a whole,
Projecting puzzles in aerial signs,
Am I but one of a team pondering every clue?
Seeking to find a way towards an inner grail beyond,
The more I tread the more I am alone.
Who else examines small markings
Knowing that this creature does everything deliberately,
Why leave marks no one else will ever grasp
Or care to grasp
And even if they grasped would be unmoved.
It waits for one who is meant to see
Each test just meant to show they truly are.

They all drank and thrust at the river in the sandy valley
Still nothing compared to where I went
But still they come and drink and do not see,
They drift and pass and still I remain,
Everyone around thinking me quite deranged,
They don’t see what I do, and I cannot even explain.
Such a wonder as only luck in a whole life can bring.
Waiting for failed goldpanners,
to retreat after a month of mere stones.
Knowing not what they truly seek,
they sift and sift then move to other pastures
I drank at every source I could,
I can only think of that one sweet taste
The only place I want to bath
Even if it be the hardest to reach.
Unlike every other,
the taste only grows stronger from yearning.
Nothing sadder than drinking another,
Chidded by bitterness and pretending it was the same.

I lay out right beside that creek
First the beetles came and stung at night
Then the snake intoxicate my blood,
Leads me to the precipice
Yet as the fool I did not fall
Held up by forces I dare not admit
Then the wild sides snarl and gnash
The more the forces thrown to push me away
The more they betray how precious they guard
Another day and more suitors roll through
Now I learned to not even see them,
They take what little they can actually see,
None touch the part this star struck location offers
Alone knowing that the whole valley quivers
In time with my breath my thoughts and my release.
Knowing now having stared so long
That it thinks of me as much as I of it
No matter where I am since I first stepped foot
I am present basking in its wonder.

One day I will open my veins
Laying back in that gentle stream
Let it seep out my life’s potency
Embracing its fluids with mine forever
Then there will be no distinction
We will flow and settle together
Only there can my worn body be washed out
Transformed and pulled under.
Then will it know every word was real.

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