Hour 3  (The BOP – a marathon writing prompt)




She took the challenge, knowing she could not go it alone

The tasks were daunting, the accolades few and far between

Each day posed a question, a problem, an issue to tackle

The mountain of uncertainty grew before her eyes

The puzzle seemed to be adding more pieces of varying size

Nothing seemed to fit though she knew that it must


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately

She had an idea of who to trust as her muse, her confidant

Yet the opinions of others whom she also valued,

Would alter her direction, change her course

Had she put her eggs in the wrong basket, errored already

The clock of progression slowed with her uncertainty

Decisions were waiting for her green light or no go

She found this lesson in humanity unpleasant, not helpful

Was she really unfit for this new role


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately


She heeded these lessons, though painful and poignant

She continued to listen to those whom she once had revered

She held on to their ideals and opinions, filtering them

Dissecting them, analyzing them for content and value

For each situation, each challenge, for each question posed

And she looked to the heavens and her heart for the answer


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately








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