Let Go

When the moon rises high, like a celestial eye
a voice rides upon the whipping wind, saying,
“Let go, let go…change is coming.
“Bend, bend…be like the wise Willow and not the stubborn Oak.”
Before the witching hour,
every heart and mind drifts to the ruminations of the past.
All the what-if’s, the regrets, the should’s and could have been’s
cycle within the heart, like a clock upon the wall.
With every ticking of its hand,
hearts church with the fears and unknowns of tomorrow.
But indeed this is to be human.
But oh, to be wise…
To be self-aware…
One must allow themselves to ponder each emotion and every fear,
to journey the emotional gauntlet without shame,
so that their soul’s myriad of questions may be answered.
Answers that vary as vastly as the sands within the seas,
answers that already lie within every heart –
if one only has the courage to see them.
Hate wickedness, but do not hate your humanity.
Hate complacency, but do not hate the seasons of your preparation.
You will soar, but first you must run  – light and free.
Leave the burdens you bear behind you.
Memories are a beautiful gift, but they cannot hold you,
or embrace your tear streaked face.
Let go of all that swallows you, and look up.
Change is coming.
And in these hours of pensive thought, the gentle voice whispers again,
“Let go…  let go… be like the Willow.
“Bend with the wind that would break you.
“And you will stand stronger than the oldest of Oak’s.”


9th out of 12

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