Dear Son

Prompts for the Sixth Hour

Text Prompt

Write a letter to yourself from the perspective of someone who is no longer in your life. It could be a former teacher you admired but you lost touch with, someone you knew from childhood, someone who passed on, etc. The specifics are very much up to you.

Dear Son


Dear Son,

It’s about time really.

That is, I’m here to talk to you about time.

So go ahead and wash the dishes and—





You are good at being in your head in the present moment..

Pondering comes pretty easy for you.

It’s just “the what “you should be picky about.

Don’t let yourself get stuck in the negative.

Continue to ponder what is beautiful and what is truth.

Don’t let fleeting passions blind you to what is important in life.

Then there is “Remember”.

Don’t let the past get away from you.

Remember the learning moments and those who have taught you.

Finally, there is believing.

Believing is about reaching into the future.

Believe there is truth and when you find it you will know it is right.

Believe in yourself.  Yes, everyone has this posted somewhere on a wall.

But you are one of an endless number of beings of truth.

You were made to import and then impart truth.

Once you find it.  Share it with others.

It is always up to the listener to decide for themselves the truth.


I love you always,




Image Prompt

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