Prompt 11 – My Permaculture Forest

Image by Tim Foster


In the heart of suburbia, a hidden gem lies. It’s an ordinary backyard, but when you step into it, it transforms into a miniature forest of wonder and harmony. A permaculture garden unlike any other.

Upon entering, you’re greeted by a lush canopy of fruit trees, their branches intertwining like old friends sharing secrets. These trees are not just trees; they are the guardians of this woodland, offering shade and sustenance to all who dwell here. A chorus of birdsong fills the air, as feathered inhabitants flit from branch to branch, creating a symphony of life.

The forest floor is a rich tapestry of colors and textures. Wildflowers of all shapes and sizes peek out from among the perennial herbs, creating a vibrant mosaic. Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are drawn to this floral banquet, performing their delicate ballet, ensuring the garden’s abundant harvest.

Meandering pathways wind through this enchanting landscape, inviting you to explore further. As you walk, you’ll notice carefully placed rocks and logs, not just for decoration, but also for their role in retaining moisture, providing homes for beneficial insects, and contributing to the garden’s ecosystem.

In the heart of it all, a tranquil pond mirrors the sky above and provides a haven for frogs and dragonflies. It’s a microcosm of life, where water lilies bloom and tadpoles dart through the clear waters.

This permaculture garden is more than just a garden; it’s a testament to the intricate dance of nature and human ingenuity. It shows that within the confines of a suburban backyard, a harmonious forest ecosystem can thrive, where every element plays a part, and nothing goes to waste. It’s a place where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and where the connection between people and the land is rekindled in a beautiful, sustainable symphony.

Antoinette LeRoux © 2023

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