

She said

As she shook the canteen

No more coffee for me…


He said

And come dance

Under the beam of the moon

With me… (more…)

19~9 The Yearling

She came to me

In the quiet of the night

The tiniest shrieking

That gave me a fright


Took forever to find her

Abandoned for sure

I fixed up her tummy

And searched for a cure


But something was wrong

A defect in her song

Though she tried best she could

The far future was no good


Then one night in the rain

I heard her in pain

And I knew how I’d cry

As I took her to die 


When I was young there were three:

Punk~Rocker, the worst Cheater and the one who was Mean.

Older without wisdom the next one went Running. For awhile I was Hooked before the Last met death coming.

Should have left them first. 






Why can’t I love you?

(i miss you when you’re gone)

What gnaws at my insides?

(it’s so quiet here without you)

How can I be so peaceful?

(all your things lay scattered

in perfect order

just as you left them)

Is that my music playing?

(but i liked most of yours) 

Why can’t I love you?

(because i love me more) 


The blackest hair I’ve ever seen.


(rosy cheeks just right

hairs peeking from the top of your shirt

a belly~button I can only imagine…)


lips the purest form of yes


(~but saying no.)


Your eyes, though,

they wander…


If I stand still long enough

they can see me

down deep inside

where I’m all bits and pieces.


I wonder exactly what they saw

which caused them to run

screaming from me…


(even though I search

with my own eyes

for the answers to you…)


I am locked out.



(In the dark of the night

I saw her in her grave.


So far below beneath me…


He stood there beaming knowledge

Through his desperate eyes to mine.


Burning cold with fear inside me

I could see unwritten futures…


Her new image warm and glowing

Full of endless possibility.


Me beside her holding tight

Straddling the deep and dank…


Keeping her from falling in)


starry starry night

When all the world is asleep

But me…


Total silence.




The rustleThe bustleThe hustle

The beautiful sound…

Of the water

…Falling behind me…


Not from the mountain,

~Pristine in my mind…


~but from the ceiling!


Ahhhhh…broken broken piping… 


Standing on the edge

Looking over…


Where whispery breezes

Caress my hair


And warm honeydew

~Smells Sensuous~


Closing my eyes…

…Being stroked and held


I leaned into your embrace~~~


Only to find myself



My intuition

Couldn’t catch me this time.


Blood pooling

By the chilled marble slab

That is Me



By the scattered







Magic Man

whose fingers know me

inside and out

upside down and beyond


Magic Man

who knows my mind

he can see past confusion

unraveling with time


Magic Man

believes in me

he’s always there

though mostly invisible


Magic Man

 sees inside my heart

wraps it gently with his

in all ways he loves me


(is he Mine?)


I am dying inside…

and nobody knows

so nobody cares

(to know me)


i am rotting…

a stinking hulk of flesh

where everything is melting

mere tears never matter

and nothing

affects anyone



(they don’t see)


i am being eaten alive…

by overwhelming love

i’ve given

and taken

(none left in me)


bits and pieces


until there is nothing left

nothing at all…


i am searching for my Self

never knowing where i’m going

(forever lost)




I Am Not.

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