
Just above the valley

Just beyond the hills

Just outside of a sunken place

Close by but not enough to feel

If you stay afloat

If you keep your sail

If you stay inside of the boat

Move forward without fail

There are stars above to light your way

To endless possibilities

The chance for to change the world

Is more evident than your eyes can see

Sail on

Don’t wait for the wind

The wind may never come around

Move even in darkness and you will see

That Morning is destined to come around

jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

All rights reserved

Vision Board

The framed art in my room matches the framed ambition of my heart.

Divine intervention made that happen.

I see it daily

But don’t SEE it enough.

Yet it is there reminding me of my possibilities whether I see it there or not.

Because it stays faithful I am reminded and give life my very best shot.



jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon


True Life of Unicorns

The reflection, looking back, resemble a Unicorn.

The grandchild that adores Unicorns saw it too.

Often, in moments of crisis the words, “I am Not a Unicorn” could be heard but still magic would happen.

When you are rare, you are a Unicorn. Don’t even try to favor even the most beautiful horse.

When you are remarkable at heart, you are a Unicorn, of course.

When you make the world around you brighter and change the course of their day; you are showing your Unicorn magic in every way.

When your smile shields your tears your Unicorn qualities shine through.

When you are are Unicorn, even when they wrong you, love is what you do.

When you face the day as though winning is the only thing to be done, being a Unicorn is helpful because it makes the challenge fun.

In this day and age it doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl,

Just be a Unicorn each day to unify for a better world.

jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

All rights reserved

I Am Changes

Of course I am smiling.  I define me.

I am a prude that wears the red lipstick that people once considered rude if not on the lips of women with low discretion.

We smile together now. Because we know it means freedom…and power.

I am determined, so far outside of the box folks think I live in based on the version of me that they conjure up in their mind.

I smile knowing they are wrong while letting them carry on…waiting for my hour.

I am a dictionary that presents herself as an acronym, just to Keep It Sweet and Simple. Kisses to you my love. I prefer that you understand.

I don’t challenge who they think that I am. Is it worthy of time or talent to challenge weaknesses? Surely it is not worthy of treasures. Confidence is my knight. So I rest well in the times that are dark.

I am changes and consistency. The best of it all is the best of me. I am my smile.


(jj2019). All rights reserved

2019 Poetry Marathon Hour 1



Windows of My Soul

I look out and see the possibilities of my life. 

A vast terrain that I’ve yet to explore. 

It is growing and beautiful, ripe to be tilled. 

There overhead flies an eagle showing me the heights that I can reach. 

I hear the song. I see it. The new horizon.

The sun shines brightly so that I may see – the vision. 

It’s up to me know. I must go outside. 

I must risk the rain to reach the promised land. 

It looks inviting but is still at a distance. 

How can I ignore the sights of my destiny without betraying me? 

No, I’ll go. Eyes open wide and heart cloaked in bravery. 

There is no mountain that I can’t climb. 



Everything I know of me I know because of you. 

Without your love, my existence wouldn’t have a clue. 

My literal identity is bridged inside your smile. 

My heart reaches through eternity, connecting through the miles.

Thank you for being the one to teach me family has a meaning. 

Keep guiding my path, I can feel your spirit intervening. 


Strong and Silent

A marvelous artist with a perfect eye captured her better than a photographers’ lens. 

Her countenance stood out from the shadows showing the victory over her pain. 

Her porcelain skin was flawless and yet looked cold to touch. 

She now lived comfortably in her soft, black velvet gown.

Although her hands seemed fragile, her face announced her strength. 


Many years of training her body to behave gave the garment a graceful place to reside. 


Yes, she was confident. She earned every bit of that emotion. 

She fit into every expectation of her regal station, yet her mind knew she broke every mold.


From A Boys Eyes

I strolled along a crooked road, the journey was so long.

I had to pack for 30 days and sang a month of songs.

The trees were all so very tall. The sun, it shone so bright.

I wasn’t sure I would be found again that fateful night.

But when I resolved that all was lost, sure I would not survive;

I heard a voice call, in the midst of it all

“trash duty minutes should not exceed five!”


Boss Hummingbird

I assume she’d tired of her nest.

Maybe she just felt like the patio was best. 

Less stress. 

She is very protective of the place.

Not sure why she would need so much space. 

Just not commonplace. 

She runs everyone out of her patio room.

Other hummingbirds come by she’ll suddenly zoom.

Don’t go out to relax, even humans meet her doom. 
