Secret Garden

Escape the world in the sights and serenity

The hummingbirds stop by and birds sing a melody

The roses nearby create aromas divine

I desire to escape in this private world of mine

The Night is for Sleeping

Parties, scheming, out right creeping

None of those things

The night is for sleeping

Get up early to maximize your day

Turn in early

Make your stress go away

Prayer Life

At morning rise

I hit the floor

Thanking my God

For every place my feet will explore


“You are my now

You are my destiny

Without your love

Lord I don’t know where I’d be”


“You make a way

You’re promises are true

In you I trust

Praise forever goes to You”

You Remind Me

You remind me of:

That special moment when everything you thought would go wrong; goes right

The type of day when storms are forecast but instead the sun comes out new and bright

The breath of celebration when you’ve accepted failure, only to realize that you did succeed.

When you think you have lost everything, and wake to find you have all that you need.

There are times that I want you, times that I crave you, times that I need you to care

And in some way, every time, I find that you are always there.

I can never forget, ignore, or leave your love.

You’re so good for me my angel from above

I can never deny your love, hide your love, I’ll always be and believe in your love.

A Note for the Road

Dear Loves,

In the most critical year of your life, a few defining things will happen.

Someone or something will be born and die.  Yes, both will happen – a birth and a death.  

A great love will be lost and one will be gained.  

You will question God, and if you are listening, you will get the answer.  

If you are honest with yourself, you’ll realize that you’ve had the answer all along.  


Then the most critical thing that will happen is that you will find yourself.  

You’ll appreciate the bad times and decisions for the building blocks that they are; and you’ll celebrate the good times and decisions for the foundation that you’ll see on that day.  

You will fall in LOVE, with YOU.

Your dream will become a clear project plan and you will know your purpose.  

The things that you once valued will have little worth if they aren’t critical to your path, and it’ll be okay.  

In the most critical year of your life, you’ll know.

You will find that you are enough, Always

Like Rain


Love comes down to choices

Much like the choice of being in the rain.

Rain – can seem soothing or threatening.  It’s always important, a force to be acknowledged.

When it comes you never know how intense it will be, no matter what you’ve heard, until you experience it.

You look out and suddenly you’re faced with choices.  You can’t stop the rain but you can choose how it affects you.

You may choose to stay inside and miss it altogether.  Live where it’s safe and never get wet.

You may choose to adorn a cover.  Go in put stay protected from all that it can do to you.

You may choose to just go out into the rain.  Fully experience the torrents and just get wet.

If you choose to get wet you again have choices.  How did it feel?

You can choose to be overwhelmed by the wet and cold that you have to live through.

You can choose to be embraced by each drop, taking joy in the nourishment that it gives everywhere it falls.

And if you embraced the rain, you may then choose to go out in the rain again and again

Until it fulfills the promise to make you grow

Sorry, Not Sorry

Oh you want my cooperation

Pardon me, I have an obligation

To define me and my situation

Use my free will and imagination

To be unique me, not an imitation

So no, you can’t have my dedication

Childhood Pet

Gina had a little dog

and Brownie was his name

Remember Mary’s lamb that went to school?

Well Brownie did the same

He wasn’t smart or good for tricks

And was quite past his prime

But he was there to pick her up each day

As though he knew the time

Gina had a little dog

and Brownie was his name

He lived each day being loving and loyal

Until his rest time came


One million chances to try to make it right

To my shame, the results the same

I cried another night.


The Place

There is something I need to say about this place where I live

Not the structure that protects my head from rain

This body, my living frame that I live in each day

It follows me everywhere that I go

It is broken and tattered, but clean and warm

It sometimes welcome’s the happy friend; that sometimes leaves as a willing stranger

This place where I live hold the Joy of celebrations new and old

It is a place that embodies my immortal soul and

It is the place my soul will leave behind when living here is no longer right.  


This place where I live has stood strong through all seasons

Its windows have been clouded and clear, its door has been locked and left open.

I want to say, about this place that I live, that I love it more every day….because it is mine

I have, yes, had occasion to want it destroyed and sadly have purchased my own wrecking ball

But I’m glad permission was not granted to tear it down.  

This place, where I live, will be the place where I am nurtured and nourished

This place, where I live, will be the place where I am comforted and caressed

This place, is where I will Live