A safari of sounds
When darkness is around
Craters that breathe
Suspended disbelief
Noxious smells
Imagination casting its spells
All is darkness in this space
24 Poems ~ 24 Hours
A safari of sounds
When darkness is around
Craters that breathe
Suspended disbelief
Noxious smells
Imagination casting its spells
All is darkness in this space
Evening fog has set in
While everyone else is in bed
Rhyme schemes dance in my head
I’m sleepy and grumpy
And full of despair
Half-marathoners have no more cares
Five more hours to stay up
Five more poems yet to think
Five more hours of writing that really stinks
I lost my T-square
Searched the studio up and down
It’s nowhere to be found.
My “straight” lines go at a slant
Without that cap on top.
Draw a straight line— I can’t
Finally gave in and bought another.
Then found the first one on the counter.
Desktop organizer? Why bother?
I did not, repeat did not,
Sit on a tuffet.
I sat on a bench.
A bench, I tell you.
And this nonsense about curds and whey?
Have you ever tasted curds?
They may as well call it “squeaky cheese”—
It is not good.
And whey?
It’s disgusting.
And that spider?
I’m not afraid of some
He may have startled me,
But I was not afraid.
I squashed him.
That Goose is a lyin’, flippin’ fowl
“Take me fishing, brothers
The gods promised a bountiful catch
But we must leave now.”
The four brothers paddled
a short distance from shore
When their longboat stops abruptly
“Row fast, harder.
I’ve caught a large one,”
The three oldest brothers row harder,
Not noticing the dropped anchor,
And the islands rising from the ocean.
The youngest brother turns
And looks at the chain of islands.
And smiles.
Down the creepy road,
She lived in the house
She had six children
But never a spouse
Under the rays of moonlight,
Beneath the beams of stars,
She crept outside
Wearing a raincoat, carrying a jar
She knelt on her knees and elbows
As she removed the jar from her coat
She captured a frog
Then penned a curious note
When she passed away
She left little behind
Six jars rested on bookshelf
Each tied with a card and signed
Light refracts predictably,
But Imagine what it would be
If it lined up in a pattern other than
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green . . . ?
Imagine a pallet
Where those colors choose a different path?
I’m not a scientist, but imagine that puzzling math.
Green next to orange?
Yellow next to purple?
That rainbow would suck.
Now I lay me down to sleep
All those dreams I wish to keep
My eyes close
But the movie plays
What treasures lie in my mind
Villainous gems too hazy to define
My eyes close
But the creatures snarl and stir
Universal conflicts are solved
All our mortal sins are absolved
My eyes close
But the science cures
Synapsis rage and fire
Planting seeds to inspire
My eyes close
But the engine burns
By the morning light
No memories remain in this twilight
My eyes open
The brilliance dies
Take my hand in yours
And sail away
To that distant shore
We’ll leave this black and white
We’ll leave by ocean
Let’s leave tonight
Through the window
We’ll find passage
We’ll find the light
Fight through the rain
Search through clouds
All to leave this town
Take my hand
And trust in me
Cerulean eyes
With the cold jolt of honesty
And cruelty
Murmured the words
Burnt Sienna
Could not understand,
“You don’t know what love is.”
And with those words,
The door closed between the two
But one remained
On both sides.
Nickel Gold Azo
Stood there,
In the shards of color,
His world