Hour 19

I type and I type,

Backspace, I don’t even like that,

A perfectionist.

Hour 17

Teacher, teach me,

I am ready to learn,

Like a sponge, I will soak up what’s intriguing,

Divulge me with your wisdom,

So, that I may understand,

Read with me,

So that I may enjoy,

the words that dance across the page,

Put the technology down,

Let’s engage in dramatic and sensory play,

Mom, Dad – you are my first teacher,

Teach me the ways, and I that I need to know,

Help me learn, help me grow.

Hour 16

I’m concerned for you,

Your much more than what you portray,

Hershey chocolate skin,

Yes, you are a fine looking man,

Creative mind, bright ideas,

Why must you undermine your intellect?

You don’t have to settle for such imbeciles,

I believe in what you can accomplish,

Despite past transgressions,

What’s important is that you must believe it too,



Hour 15

Responsibly, regarding rights,

Effortlessly, elaborating, efficiently,

Seeking satisfaction, separating, selfs,

Pledging patience,

Evaluating, excellence,

Creating, captivating, cadence’s,

Through timeless transparency.

Hour 14


Crispy, seasoned,

Smelling, biting, chewing,

Baking, frying, boiling, grilling,


Hour 13

To share your knowledge amongst learners,

Equipped for success,

Accomplishing small feats,

Cause they are bigger than the bigger picture,

Helpless feelings at times,

Everyone can succeed,

Responsible for nurturing respectful students.


Hour 12

Didn’t want to go,

I felt so comfortable,


Only through chances comes growth,

Taking chances despite fear.

Hour 11

Gone are the good times,

One dollar could get four snacks,

Today… barely stretch.

Hour 10

The hairs on my arms are standing,

Chill bumps arise,

Chills from my toes to my spine,

I shiver… I shiver,

From my teeth an uncontrollable chatter,

You can hear, I can feel the vibrations,

The brisk wind whistles softly by,

Where has that wind come from,

For I lay in my abode,

Firmly perched over three cushions,

One legged crossing the other,

With a notebook and pen,

Brace for another addition,

I need my blanket.