Hour 22

Painted Mirror

Corset makes for a tiny waist

While I pose holding still as I can

Letting the artist fix my pose

When I finally see the painting

It doesn’t even look like me

Skin too pale and hair too dark

But yet something is right in the painting

Hour 21

24 Hours Is A Lot

The day had yet to ever stop

It seems like I will never sleep

My eyelids weigh more than barbells

And my body want’s to relax

My head is full of thoughts of sleep

Hour 20

The Trail

My steps echo off the trail

As I lose myself to birds chirping

My eyes follow the edge of the trail

As it moves into lush grass

Then tall trees standing firm

Even with the trails invasion of man-made

Nature is still standing tall

Hour 19

My Star

Floating between stars

Watching galaxies pass by

I keep watching

Trying to find that one star

The one that always shines for me

The star that has gotten me through

The rough nights

The long nights

And the nights that were perfect

I am looking for my star

Hour 18


The steam warms me before the first sip

My spoon stirring in golden honey

Finally I lift my mug to my lips and drink

Warm liquid fills me heating inside out

I open my book again ready to lose myself

Into tea and words

Hour 17

Missing You Still

Ever since I lost you

I have been searching

For a way to keep you close

I have it, I know what to do

I will have you marked into my skin

All red and feathered and alive

A way to show the world you are still here

Hour 16

Almost Sleeping

Head feels heavy eyes all but closed

I yawn trying to keep myself awake

Just a few more hours

And then I can sleep all day

Hour 15

Wife of Underworld

Falling to this dark place wasn’t great at first

But I have tasted the sweetest fruit

I have found a caring husband

Sometimes when visiting my mother

I miss the dark rather gloomy home I leave behind

It’s hidden beauty has started to shine brighter than the sun

But once in awhile it is good to have the sun on my skin

And flower petals in my hair

Hour 14

Stormy Night

The steam rises from my tea

The candles on the table flickering with my breath

The evening darker than normal

The storm shutting out any lingering sun

The raincoat dripping water steadily

The little storm I let follow me inside

The mystery of my heart on my mind again

The thought of him flowing through my mind

The jars of thoughts in my mind get shoved away

The rain calling for me to leave those thoughts behind

Hour 13

Half Wishing

I don’t even know when it started

This little half crush

Probably around the time we shared an interest

Something we keep hidden from others

Not because it is wrong

But because it is different

Sometimes I think you might sorta like me too

Then I tell myself that is silly

But still I wish a little a half for more