Hour 2

Yay second poem up!!


Secret Wants

Wanting something that I must hide

My friends not even knowing what I want

Every day hoping for it more and more

This desire for something that many don’t understand

And what others don’t approve of


I know who I can tell about it

Who also shares this secret want

And who is also looking for others

Yet we are too far apart

That the even the secret cannot bring us together

Hour 1

Woot first poem done!! Can’t wait to get the others written.


Compass Elements


I stand in a circle

Looking north to mountains

Earth rising above me

Strength and will holding it high


I turn to the east

Watching trees bend

Wind showing it’s gentle strength

Bending rather than breaking


I step to look south

Watching a bonfire roar

Controlled chaos trying to lick free

Wishing to ravage all in it’s path


I finally face west

Water lapping the shore

Ready to become destroying waves

Disaster coming from the depths



Hey everyone I’m a little late because I noted my email wrong when I signed up to do the marathon. So this is my first time doing the marathon and I decided go big or go home, and I’m going to do my best to do the full marathon. I hope to finish it all. I like writing a lot but I recognize that I’m not the best writer. But I always love reading other peoples work and can’t wait to see everyones poems!! Oh and you can call me Raina or rainmaker which ever is fine with me.  😀

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