Hour 12

Halfway through!! Hope I can stay awake enough tonight to keep it up.

Starry Sky

The sky shines down

Full of stars just wanting

To be the center of the universe

Flickering in the sky like fairy lights

Stars begging me to travel far away

Landing among them to watch others

Staring at the night sky waiting

For their time to join the center of the universe

The stars send me home

So that I can continue watching them

Shine in the sky calling someone else up

So that they can watch us

The stars shining bright for us

Wanting to be the brightest thing to us

Hour 11

Campfire Comfort

The sky a dark back drop

The stars shining from dark blue

We sit around the fire singing

Every song we can think of

The words wrapping around us

The smoke creating galaxies in the sky

We lose ourselves in bad voices joining together

Everyone ignoring how bad they sound alone

The fire dies down and we slowly stand

The steps we take to our beds slow hoping for one more song

Hour 10

Favorite Color

Grey elephants and cats

Tea for breakfast and a parrot

Part of our brains

And a last name

My favorite color is many things

My favorite hoodie

The sky on gloomy days

A new candle

A wild wolf’s fur

It might not be the brightest color

But grey is my color

Hour 9

Almost to the half way point!! And still going strong.

Spider Dreams

Spiders crawling everywhere

Over my desk full of notebooks

On my bed into the covers

All over my arms and legs

Skittering over me

Almost tickling if I wasn’t screaming


I snap up awake with crawling skin

Nothing but blankets around me

Hour 7

Already on the 7th poem!! I can’t believe I have already made it this far!! I could probably do slightly longer poems but I am happy with what I am writing.

Missing You

I hear your voice and I look up

My eyes follow you through the room

Mind racing all thoughts on you

Breathing deeply to calm myself

Taking careful steps to you

Leading my heart forward

Finally letting myself try

Trying for what I have wanted

Something more with you

Even if it has been a while since I’ve seen you

Hour 6

The timed prompt was actually more fun than I thought it was going to be! 😀


Cafe Writer

Words flowing from pens

Stories hidden within our minds

Breaking free through quickly written words


My stories always half finished

My mind never sure of what’s next

My pen stops in the middle of action

My mind not giving the hero’s next step

My pen stills story lost


I look around the cafe again

People living their own stories

Maybe some are writing imagined ones

Maybe a couple only getting half a story out as well

Never able to finish what happens

Maybe the ending is too sad

Or too cliche to finish the story

Or maybe I am the only one lost here

Hour 5

I can’t believe it is already hour 5!! I need to get some food made during my free time but I still going strong with the writing.


River Views

Dirt road winding through trees

Sounds of rushing water flowing to me

I sit by the bank and think

The river twisting out of sight

Thoughts about everything

Life love and growing up

The water making the perfect music

Lulling my thoughts to a deep calm

I go back down the road

Walking up the hill to get home

Thoughts quiet for another day

Hour 4

Still going strong!!

Beach Flow


Walking by flowing blue

Soft browns and tans shift under me

People lounging under bright umbrellas

The sky screams it’s blue color


Soft browns and tans shift under me

Sand flowing almost like water

Moving with each step taken

Warming my toes from the cold water


People lounging under bright umbrellas

Hiding skin from harsh rays as they lay

Soaking in the heat and laughter around

Relaxing before diving into blue water


The sky screams it’s blue color

Clear of clouds and wanting to be seen

Blue sky fighting against blue water

Wish people could dive into the sky

Hour 3

Wow third poem down. These might not be super long but I’m very happy that I am getting these poems done.


Eternity Now

Neon shines fro the building

Naming our escape from the world

We hide for the night in bodies

Swaying together sweat soaked skin brushing

You grab us another round of drinks

We pause a moment to watch

People hiding their world behind dancing

Alone or with someone pushing the world away

We rush back to the dance floor

Our bodies swing in tonights eternity