That’s Not Normal

(for hour 7—“normal” prompt)


That’s Not Normal


I woke him with the dreaded whisper,

“There’s someone in the livingroom.”

Having no reason to doubt me,

he leapt from dream-state to Dominant Male Protector inside of a second.

Then I whispered, to warn him,

“They’re very tall.”

Apparently, hallucinating alien-like creatures in one’s home is not supposed to be a side-effect of pain medication.

The following day, my oncologist told me, “That’s not normal.”

We both looked to my partner, “How’s your blood pressure?”

Bring Her Home

(for hour 6—from music prompt—for Onweald)


Bring Her Home

(by the character Nigel Taiman)


Amid the dark of my bower

When the dragon form has me

However it’s possible

I ache more for her return

Some part of me

Believes she can come home

Believes the gods can collectively sacrifice

And bring her home


Amid the dim of breaking dawn

When the dragon form leaves me

Crafting my bones and skin

To emptiness without her

Some part of me

Believes she can come home

Believes the gods can collectively sacrifice

And bring her home


Amid the hopelessness of days

When the dragon form resides

Plots and hides within me

Bruising all that I am

Some part of me

Believes she can come home

Believes the gods can collectively sacrifice

And bring her home

The Chalice of the Goddess of War

(for hour 5—time capsule prompt—put in the world of Onweald)



The Chalice of the Goddess of War


More than four hundred years have passed

Since the wizard Hrazon accepted his quest

When prophets announced the lots were cast

And he placed her weapon in gold-inlaid chest


With geasa’n power he sealed its lid

To bury the treasure amid ice and cold

In the Sincfage Mountains where first it hid

Harboring a chalice with spells untold


Though thaws, thieves, waifs, and war

Threatened the wise wizard’s plan

Nothing could separate the power

Due a goddess and protector of man

Cleansing Night

(for hour 4—last-line prompt)


Cleansing Night


Amid the eruption of the righteous

and night-lighting fires,

their anger finally stokes to overboiling.

A brick crashes through the mechanic’s window

and the traitor is pulled to the street

to pay for his sins;

not only hiding some bigot’s car

but repairing it for the dirty-dollar bribe

to release the carbon-pouting menace

back on the world.

Some triggers cannot be borne.

No matter the perpetrator’s race or creed.

Tom’s shop will hide menace no more.

His magnanimous judges allow him to watch,

allow him to repent and offer alms,

and pray for calm when the morning comes.



“And pray for calm when the morning comes.” is the last line of Problems in Annady’s Core, book 3 of the Dragons in Space Series by Sandy Lender.


Bird Watching

(for hour 3—image prompt)


Bird Watching


She’s gone off the trails

In her bright new dress

Amid reeds and cattails

In search of heron’s nest


Traversing crag and rock

Merely watching us wave

Frustrated shock

Watching her scare birds away

Coffee Changes Everything

(for hour 2—coffee & change prompt)



Coffee Changes Everything


After sixteen years of sobriety,

A waitress handed me decaf from the wrong pot

You can’t taste the difference in a greasy, road-side waffle joint

Forty miles later, possibilities and plans percolated in my brain

My foot pressed too close to the floor

Faced with the question, “Ma’am, do you know how fast you were going?”

I had to say “no,” to be honest

I stood jittery, stepped out of the car,

With one officer checking my license and registration

The other checking my eye movement

“That’s not nerves, sir, I need another hit.”

So Small

(for hour 1—something ending)


So Small


Too fragile

Too soon

Softness without structure enough

With hollow hope

With imperfect sigh

Too small

To inflict such sorrow

The Hiding

(for Onweald)

By Sandy Lender


Mellada glides through the halls of the hiding

Searching the quiet and with her time biding

Her women in waiting are noiselessly crying

Under the thundering of crashes subsiding


The walls of the halls with seawater dripping

Sheltering, sweltering, saps strength from the living

But Mellada’sures them, with comforting smiling

The stones of the crone all beguiling with scrying


None see the wink, the blink passing slyly

‘tween crone and queen for the calming of lying

Searching the quiet, preparing morn’s breaking

Dreaming is passing with sighing and waking


There is calm in resigning, a peaceful abiding

Finding new life in declining the fighting

Their warriors’ deaths on the wind news is blowing

Chiming and banging, the death tolls extolling


The clanging with sunrise outside the hall’s hiding

Alarms and disturbs with a dragon force flying

The wind of his wings crashes boulders high piling

And blocking the holes to the halls of the hiding


Mellada sings through the halls of the hiding

Her voice lowly mewling from shadows soft spreading

Her women in waiting like whispers receding

Till oceans of time with their gods they’re pleading


A hush lines the still dripping halls of the hiding

Where Mellada died with her women in waiting

Their souls washed with mem’ries of saltwater sinking

And ocean rocks filt’ring their bones for the seining


Nigel’s Power

(prompt 23)

(a poem for use in Onweald; I need suggestions for a different title, of course 🙂 )

Nigel’s Power

By Sandy Lender, attributed to Nigel Taiman


A kind touch on my hand

Reminded me of you today

Soft words I could barely understand

Sounded like something you’d say


The moment caught me so off guard

When I turned to see your face

Disappointment filled me utterly

When I found emptiness in your place


Anger has followed me since

Familiar company giving me strength

The gods fear where I’ll go to get you back

And to what lengths



The Anchor of Jawll

(prompt #22 picture of the cave where the anchor resides “today” in Onweald; this poem I’ll need to edit some more (obvs) and use in a fantasy short story that supports a longer novel coming out in 2021)

The Anchor of Jawll

By Sandy Lender



In the land of Kida, the king left his bride

As was custom for family, custom for kin

He sought the gods’ favor, ‘fore ocean tide

Could overtake Kida’s outer seawall again


His task was worthy

His task was grand

For going to sea,

They stood to a man


In the land of Kida, the king left his bride

And the women she governed both fairly and kind

No maid, young or old, would dare leave her side

To protect Kida’s seawall, the women stayed by


Within their great hall

King Dlan left a gift

The anchor of Jawll

Which no man could lift


In the land of Kida, the king left his bride

And treasures among them bought them much favor

With the gods and the priests and the Ungol pride

But Queen Lelta’s loyalty never did waver


Across the deep ocean

Of seven isles

Dlan took ev’ry man

Through angriest trials


In the land of Kida, the king left his bride

The anchor of Jawll that glowed and then spoke

To judge who would threaten their ranks from inside

With this gift the queen knew who healed and who broke


Across the bleak ocean

For seven long years

With ev’ry seaman

King Dlan disappeared


In the land of Kida, the queen took her place

Using the greatest treasure of them all

Blending the peoples who would join their race

Testing their worth with the anchor of Jawll