Attention Deficit Disorder

  Buried far back in time Fossilized in his silent heart Daddy and those pounding fists disappeared. Packed away in his spleen fester the words he learned While waiting for the pummeling to wane. There stands his spine: Rigid, upright, furious now if one asks…


I’ve always felt like a ghost, An outsider that didn’t belong, A vacancy with the lights turned off. I ran into a man the other day who called to me, He remembered me from some party I went to a few years back. It frightened…

Dear Future Self (2017)

Dear Future Self, How are we doing? Have we accomplished great things? Did we reach our dreams? Did we graduate from the University? Did we actually go for that double major? Have we visited Rome? Have we climbed the steps of Notre Dame? Did we…

Hour Seven The Nightly Gin Game

07 2017 The Nightly Gin Game The Nightly Gin Game by Paul Robert Sanford Kristen and I play cards at the end of the evening. Always gin. We don’t keep score. We talk about each hand. Gin is a lot like life. Kristen plays by…


Gut wrenching Darkness speaks Inner thoughts Running deep To my disbelief! It happened! Did I clearly see? Walking at daybreak Stomach turning vision Right in front of me Stillness and fear stayed me Then I died


The Devil loves flowers He picks every single one of them along with their roots  

Cat got your tongue?

The cat’s got your tongue, So the blackberries will rot on their bushes Your mother will click her disappoint Your sister will lick whipped cream and ice cream And rub it in that you are in trouble again, yes you, yes trouble, And you can…

Poem 6 – Poems are Pointless

Poems are Pointless Fast, quick get pen to paper, Don’t hang around we won’t have the time later. Just write the words, anything will do, The beautiful of life is the chance to re-do. Words are meaningless so just throw them down, You’ll be a…

How to travel fearlessly

Just go. Don’t even think twice about it. Turn off your brain and watch yourself sail Down the highway at top speed come what may. You may have to come back down every once In a while to refuel but, once that’s done, you’re free…