Looking from the Inside

This poem stems from a memory I have from my sighted days. On a small patch of wasteland in the city of Swansea, Wales, there was a shopping trolley / cart, upside down with flames from some odds and ends that had been set alight,…

Lady Macbeth Laments

  Shakespeare  is visited by a history of Scotland telling how that wily dame urged on the Thane, impressed by a chant of three wise women. Witchcraft convinces the Lady. She calls Macbeth a coward, instills in him murder, murder, overthrowing another king, to become…


Along the way to My old school lies a rundown Old house With walls Covered in chipped paint And beautiful vines


Where am I? And how did I get here? Hang on…. this… place smells funny… Why is everything so bright? Why am I surrounded by all these men in strange caps and surgical gloves? Who are these giants? Did that doctor just whack my bum?…

Letter Writing

They say letter writing is out of touch a primitive way to communicate, buying stamps mailing it waiting for days to be read.   Letters to a friend, has made this fun again to rediscover joy, in writing with a pen. Nothing used to beat…

#7 Pain

Pain Why does it interfere when I’m having the most fun An uninvited guest I can’t throw out and be done Pain becomes a part of life every day interrupting activities Why?! As I write this I’m yelling the words in my head Be done…

The Art of Self Definition

So now you look at me like you never knew How could you not? I speak the way I’ve always spoken  Dress and walk and posture the same  I saw the same affections as ever There has been no reason to question me, never  You…


wander the aisles watch you think about, where you want to be and why you worry and whine you smile and beam you know what you want you’re ready to leave


shadows the in what's see you canOut of the corner of your eye you see them thereMirror the in dancing shapesThe shadows wait for us in the mirrorbeyond own our WorldLiving eternal, tied to the glassfound never is DeathLife is a reflection time to time…

With the Inside Where the Outside Should Be (Hour 7)

Dissolve your heart’s intentions with the cruel ramblings of brave love. No one else will know its glory, but everyone will fall in its wake. Standing bold enough to erase the face of a watching god, I declare a black out upon the Sun! For…