Inside out

Inside out How shall that be Like wearing all your organs On the sleeve Or putting all your pots and pans On the street Inside out Slice it open neatly In one swift stroke Turn it out and wear again This bloody coat Watch all…

Hour 7 – Inside Out

There is pain inside That I don’t let out. Pain that I hide, That I do not flout.   It’s not secret pain, It’s just buried well It isn’t a strain To not share my hell.   If I release it And unleash the grief…

Hour 7- Inside out

Like me!  Like me!   Seeking to be loved? Or a mirror turned inside out In the shadows of nothing, but Puppet in the hands of the society How they want to see, You or their confused impressions, on you. Not how you want to…

Poem 5 – Nobles

Cigarette smoke, frenzied chitchats, Manchester folk in starched pillbox hats. Ash trays on tables and wise women’s fables, The glory of the caf’ in the amusement arcade, After works laugh, always time overstayed, Men in workers jeans stand at fruity machines Hookey Street plays on…

Starlight (2017)

They were the mountains Immovable, looming above Looking down on us Telling us we could not Telling us we weren’t enough But we traversed the trails Climbed the rocks and cliffs Over the top, and down the other side Then moved along Until they were…


Here stands the reluctant petty bourgeoisie. Corrupt with silly amusements. Over taken with spiritless commandments. There stands the worker. Defeated and lost with no class consciousness. Blowing to and from under the mighty political sails of big capitalism. Fascism as a special characteristic cleared out…

A Small Abnormality – Hour Seven

I’m probably nothing to worry about – That’s what they’ll have told you And I wasn’t before But now it’s like reverse psychology… And I make no apology For being shown – Making my presence known, I’d rather you were appalled Than ignored The small…

Inside Out

Inside my world is topsy turvy I don’t know where to go A cacophony of sounds So much is going on. The dog it barks, the cats meow The music plays so loud I cover my ears for silence Put a blanket over my head…

Prompt 7

Inside out and upside down Sniffing the fresh air What is out there It’s inside job Come inside , where it’s calm Space for reflection Outside is crazy Holding myself together Better go inside In midst of water Inside, outside Room for reflection In middle…