The Imaginarium

Once I’ve finished my normal waking day, It’s time for it to give way To something far more spectacular – As they would say in the vernacular: It’s time to get down to business – There are plots to be finished And dreamscapes to revisit, New…

Mine (24)

My poem wears a warm cloak of anonymity. It has green eyes and red hair. It eats like an omnivore evolved from the T-Rex and the Brontosaurus. It dreams about children and schedules and love and violence. It drives a modest car. It lives in…

#24 – The illusion disolver

When I see it, I just can’t believe it Many times I have been feeling it But never ever could I see it   Right before my eyes Never been thinking I would see it Any day, but here I am, With it in front…


I had a friend who used to say that sleep is for the weak. I guess I’m strong, as it never comes easily to me, even when it should. It’s a guest that’s often easy to avoid and never catches me off guard. Today I…

Hour 24 (!)

Sleep Lords of slumber, you fascinate me You mesmerize me How does one create worlds beyond understanding? You mystify me Lords of slumber, you bewilder minds notwithstanding You let me dream And escape to worlds that gleam  

Sleep: A Limerick

There once was a writer named Holly Whose verses were normally jolly. Until one day she went 24 hours without sleep; And all her words made her weep. With the last words she typed, “I’m going to bed, by golly!”

Paolo Coelho

You make me think You make me wonder You make me question You make me seek the answer Paolo Coelho, You are the inspiration I was seeking Now that you’re here My mind’s a widening Through narrow creeks and streams aligning You point the way…

hour 24 prompt 24 sleep

It’s been such a long day I need some rest, my thoughts are mangled and my eyes are heavy I hit my bed so cosy so warm, l fluff my pillow to lay my head on, maybe I will dream, with hopes it’s not deadly…

In the Thrall

Been to a festival lately? Forget the main attractions No one is there for the music It’s all about the bacon There was a time when it could be ignored Now, bacon is in your face! In your artisan beer In your candy In your…