Hour 24–Sleep

My head is heavy truly from sacrificing words The spewing made me dizzy Feeling untowards I need a day, nay two to find a new perspective I’m presently inclined toward horizontal restive A pillow and my CPAP are all that I require Good night to all…

Poem 24

Sleep… the great escape for the mind, body, soul. I dream of faraway places, people I love, darkness, light, words in my heart. I dream the ultimate dream: to be loved wholly, completely. Sleep one day will be eternal. But now it is fleeting, the…

The Film Not Chosen

Known by so many names Netflix queue of conundrums Netflix choice purgatory Netflix spiral of despair The queue grows and grows Then there comes a day So many choices Genres, actors, directors, Reviews and synopses Stories to be explored Dialogues to be experienced So much…


A long day’s journey A long day’s night My pillow awaits Fluffed just right A dream or two Is calling my name I imagine my writing Won’t be the same My head to mattress My light snaps to dark I am over this day To…

off to bed

color blasts of swirling stars         deeper into the depths of unconsciousness                     to a inky blackness of nothingness broken by                            a voice from long ago, a scene reenacted over and                                        over from a time when a small child would hide in                                               …

All Poem’d Out

I have been awake for more hours than I can count on both hands, twice What little sleep I got, wasn’t what I was expecting or hoping for I wanted the…”my head hit the pillow and I was passed out in less than 2.1 seconds”…

Can’t Breathe

The emotion in which I felt as you sat beside me, stroking my hand and speaking of our first times. How I would smile and nod, reminiscing of us, beloved heart of mine, whom I felt was running. How the small dark fist of doubt…

Dream Depth Dribblings

A new record! I am writing with my eyes shut. Inspiration, what time do you call this? Soon I will be rising before the sparrows, or writing poems in my sleep; dream-depth dribblings will be scrawled on a page that can’t be read with waking…