Prompt Ten (10): Shadows of Planets [Hour 10]

IF I LOSE THE PLANET Losing Earth was harsh; First we lost the sun… We had warmth, but did not know from where; The moon had a shadow, and it did provide light. Maybe it kept the warmth, or the planet was warmed… generations ago….

Poem #10: The Fun of Sharing Joy Riding … Together

I’m being followed by a moon shadow; Moon shadow, moon shadow. I may lose my eyes, my legs, my voice, but I won’t ever lose my imagination. I close my eyes and see myself… Leaping and hopping on a moon shadow Above the clouds Above…

9:00 a. m Migraine

She let her sink in imagination and thinking of fairy land deserved for ones bravely breathing, as a result in her fourteen year old she got inclined to migraine attacks hard and bold. “What ? A headache? You aren’t sick, common keep cleaning ” “Mum, I…

Hour 10, prompt 10 Moon’s Shadow

The boogeyman hides in the moon’s shadow, unlit doorways, and under beds never checked. He steals changelings and replaces them with demons. They feast on children’s rotten teeth and then get high on your bad decisions. The boogeyman walks the world by many names and…


    Moonshadow Poem 10   Is it really that different from the sixties? Are we really that different? What do we want in this life?   There is always a lot: to be thankful for or to complain about   and in this country…

Re: Moon Shadow

While I am being followed by a moon shadow Moon shadow Moon shadow Leaping up on a moon shadow Moon shadow Moon shadow If I lose my legs, I won’t have to walk no more If I lose my hands, I won’t have to work…

Faithful Light: A Brief Prayer

Faithful Light: A Brief Prayer   How do i find The Way? How do i discover The Truth? Like a midnight cat following its moonshadow i ask the Faithful Light, who never fails to stay the night.

Hair 2-Hour 10

Once upon a time I curled my hair Curling iron in hand Curlers pressing against my head Anything to make the straight go away Soon I embraced my straightness I allowed it to be flat and lifeless I let it grow long Past the point…

10) My Pillow Calls

To all you amazing marathoners WOWZA Respect Half and full I’ve made it to 10 two short of the goal but am leaving happy knowing there’s words on the page on the screen to be worked on, composted with, and seeded. And I know there’ll…