Phantoms concealed within the mind’s records,
Nostalgic memories etched in the mind’s pages,
The memories shared with childhood friends,
To rekindle the joys of moments of past
Some faces have faded from the memories
Phantoms concealed within the mind’s records,
The forgotten names, remembrances misplaced,
They must be reconnected with their mannerisms
The growing older faces’ outlines, unidentified
Marked them as the senior folks, aging faces
Phantoms concealed within the mind’s archives,
Must be identified with the help of any clues.
Some have emptied their existence,
While others persist as if neglected orphans,
They are the last entries on the final pages,
Phantoms concealed within the mind’s repository.
Very powerful. Evoking the progression into dementia is what I’m reading here, the great loss. Your use of this poetic form is really effective. And hard work to convey so much within the form’s container and boundaries. But then these forms have so much to give, and you’ve made full use of it. Well done.