My profession

My profession, which one? the official one?
or on the side ones?

I worked as professor of electrical engineering
for 38 years. I just read some books, memorized
them and told what I had memorized to students
in my class.

Tough job? mathematics, science, construction
of electrical circuits, sending signals far away at
the speed of 300,000 km per second.

Ya, that was the public image. I lectured four
hours per week, played games behind closed
doors, and took a nap in the afternoons

Told everybody we were overworked and well

Really? I had one month vacation around the
Christmas, more than three months of vacation
during summers, could have stayed at home
when I did not have to give a lecture at the
school, which was just four hours per week.

I also worked for General Electric as consultant
for Aircraft Engine Vibration Analyst. That more
than doubled my salary.

At home I worked on stock trading, made
a $4,000 fund into $1,400,000 in about
15 years, that quadrupled my salary.

Nex time a professor says he is underpaid,
send him this poem and on the enevelop
write: Are you kidding me?.



2 thoughts on “My profession

  1. Well said….however, I believe you were motivated to succeed and to develop all of your innate gifts and skills, whereas some in academia simply rest on their laurels. You’ve lived and continue to live a full and expressive life. BRAVO!

  2. Well said….however, I believe you were motivated to succeed and to develop all of your innate gifts and skills, whereas some in academia simply rest on their laurels. You were not content to do that.
    You’ve lived and continue to live a full and expressive life. BRAVO!

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