Clean water (14 hour)

The water is redact clean and does not mean

Happy we have some to redact and clean

Thousands of redact do not have any

Story of millions of people around the redact


Drinking redact water is grace

Many have died who redact not care


9 / Bucket List

Bucket List

I want to build a time machine so I can hear Linda Ronstadt sing “Blue Bayou” at a bare-lightbulb club in Memphis, or at Fred Alphonso’s Thunderbird Lounge down there on Adams Avenue—open till three a.m.—and the folks will be elbowing on the dance floor until Linda steps out in a frilled cinnamon-brown jacket, opens her mouth, and her vocal tremor stills us all.  You can’t beet her voice, pardon my spelling, anywhere or anytime.

But for now I live as a whelk farmer in a Tucson subdivision, on Corte de Federico Street, named for Linda’s grandfather.  I raise my whelks beneath the shade of this carport, in these large white buckets.  Bayou Jasmine, Lake Pontchartrain, is where I get my whelks.  It is true, they are carnivorous and mean-spirited gastropods—although the elegant curl of their shell is of great beauty.  I sing to them to keep their meet (pardon my spelling) of sweet disposition.  “I’m going back one day, come what may . . . .”  We all get a kick out of that one.


[prompt to use the following words: beet jacket tremor bayou elbow lightbulb cinnamon bucket elk carport]



TV Remote  (11 Hour)

TV remote commands attention of all

In a world

Millions are dying

for attention


That’s extraordinary.


TV remote is loved by all.

In a world

Love is



That’s extraordinary.


TV remote I would be

And become extraordinary.

What is Love? (10 hour)

What is love?

Living with a man who doesn’t care

Or a fat cat; or a dark dog

Is that love?


What is love?

Setting self afire

To prove love

Going on a bungee jump


Is that love?


What is love?







8 / On the Nature of Daylight (lyrics prompt)

Max Richter – On the Nature of Daylight (lyrics prompt)


Go to sleep, go to sleep

waking’s not a date to keep


Go to sleep, go to sleep

waking’s not a date to keep


Then again there’s melting in

Melting in to live again


Wonder wonder wonder

Wander down life’s corridors


Turn into a window

There is daylight shining through



Sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle

Letting go of specks and splashes


Free (sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle)

There is daylight shining through


Be (sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle)

Here is something, here is you


Free (sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle)

Free to wonder, wonder wonder


what breaks through.

Bucket List (9 Hour)

She recommended beetroot for my aches

And a jacket to ward off my cold

The tremor in my heart has not ceased

She leaned on my elbow for comfort


Cinnamon for my tea

Water in a bucket

Her Tesla in my carport

This is my bucket list


Swaying to the beat (8 hour)

Bobbing my head and strike the keyboard

Writing a poem

I felt surreal

I got into the groove somehow


Eyes closed and mind opened

Struggling to write a poem

Well, it was a new experience

But it is worth it


Life has a surprise always

And you do not know its ways

Somehow, if you are open

You can find a way around the oven


I love it now

And somehow

This is it

I have been swaying to the beat


Sit back and wonder (7 hour)

Life is not hard

It is the cow

that made it so

and you believe it so too


Sit back and wonder why

It is the cow

that made it so

and no one asked why it is so


Dazed at times

at the era when

life is not hard

and fore-generations lived happily


It is hard to pin down

now or anyhow

how those of yore lived when

life is not hard.