How to Fight

How to Get in a Fight

1. Go outside when it is ninety degrees and stand in a line.
2. When you get too hot tell the other people in line you are going over there (points to shaded area) to stand because you are getting burnt.
3. When the next person comes run out of hiding and aggressively yell that you were already in the line while pointing at the spot they are now standing.
4. They will defend themselves saying they didn’t see you and that you weren’t in line and tell you not to sneak up on them in such a manner.

5. The argument has now begun. You are now ready to fight.

Do you walk away?


01:00 a.m Unsleeping nights

Unattended  newborn baby cried loudly every single night,

until mum left child in a cradle  and switch off the light;

Irritating, heart-breaking crying stopped by itself,

there was no need to pay for sleep with any wealth.

Because of intestines pain? Breastfeeding was scare?

Because of fear? First dreams with nightmare?

Because of cold feeling of loneliness ( never to leave her later)?

Or because of non changed diaper. Simply neglecting hygiene, no matter..?

The Answer – Hour #2

How is it that I feel connected to all that is
in these moments shared with you?

I no longer sense where I stop and you begin.

We dwell in a continuum of love.


It is here that I understand why science

has recognized love as a universal force,

for it is what holds us together

– all existence together.


From the smallest invisible life forms

to the largest creatures we know or can imagine.

It is the stuff that binds the astral bodies together

in a dance that we have yet to fully understand

and may never comprehend.


Love is.

It is that simple

It is so simple

Yet we do not understand.


Love is the answer to all the questions we ask

It is the solution to all the problems we encounter

It is the only way we can survive

Yet we do not understand.


Can we?

Will we?

Ever understand?

Skay Hour 2

Cauldron of sanity

  1. Long winding roads
  2. Twinkling sunlight through tree tops
  3. Chatter of a six year old
  4. Rows of nodding daisies
  5. One floating  dandelion seed

Let all bubble gently

Sieve through fine hours of the day

And through turbulent turmoils 

Sip slowly. Slowly. Slowly.

Recipe for Buena Suerte “Good Luck” (2nd hour 2020)

This recipe was pass down to me from all those who thrive in creativity. Found in a powerful Bruja’s Botanica aka apothecary, please be sure to use it carefully.

The list of Ingredients you shall find in front of you and some inside

1 chalice of Faith

2 sprigs of Lavender

A bunch of Yerba Buena (Good Herbs)

Two folds of light

3 dashes of Passion


Grab your chalice and fill it with Faith. Do it with confidence in your inner strength.

Crush the two sprigs of Lavender into the grail, for the sake of calm to overcome whatever blockage of hell.

With your good hand, apprehend, as much as Yerba Buena you can. Use the mortar and pestle and grind the roots to you are able to get all the Earthy juice in the vessel.

Two folds of light are called for, please get this one right. One of the literal kind and the other may only be found inside. Both must be used in order for the ingredients to be carefully infused. One step of misdirection, bad intentions could be bad for you.

and at last, the foremost portion of your boosting potion. That must be ingrained gingerly. Soft and gentle but oh so capable. A firmness of your adoration that drives itself to your heels. The one thing that can appease your heart, mind, soul, and body. Not one, not two, but three of these. Dashes of your passion must be squeezed with ease. Too much of the stuff can become deadly.

Mix all five elements into the chalice you hold before you. Swirl it round, drink it down, and let it brew.




2020 Poetry Marathon Hour 2 – Cleaning a Filthy Pool

The pump lets out a diesel roar
An industrial lion, trumpet of civilization’s return
The surface shudders as sublayers are drawn
and spilled on a distant patch of grass scrub.

Frogs squirm, algae drifts, turtles surface nervously
as 3 years of pollen, leaves, and life is exiled from the bottom up.
Somewhere below a mechanical Carybdis strikes fight or flight fear
into the tiny world of muck and water, dirt and larvae.

Power washers fire up, unleashing tight spiral sprays
Eager puppies joining their voices to the great howl of the pump.
Inch by inch they wash away the years of neglect:
Algae green turns to scale white turns to unreal blue.

Thousands of gallons make a one-day-only stream
As a bottom unseen since diaper-days turned to preschool
Becomes visible once more, with four turtles, countless leaves,
and a lonely, long-forgotten, torpedo-toy resolving; images from wet static.

A few hours (thousands of gallons), and the pump goes silent.
The power washers hiss at the exposed floor, loosening scale;
It flows deep, clean and bright as beach sand on a fast current.
A shop vac captures the last of it, along with pollywog holdouts.

A pair of hoses refill the artificial pond, no longer a habitat,
As we drive with a carload of shelled refugees.
One by one, my children set down the four pool turtles
And wave as they vanish into the reassuring muck.

Recipe for Heartbreak (Perfected Through Time)

The days of youth run rampant and warm
Through the life of a woman like me –
Full of blue skies and dingy-grey seas
Warm sands stolen by waves from my feet

Give me a night of surprise, of pleasant wonder
Give me days full of anxiety
And remind me, always, to never give up
That, one day, Mr. Right will come to find me

Give me man after man, broken and worn
By scarred and broken women
Let me give them love and understanding
Compassion, truth — and then….

Kiss me until my mind goes numb
Caress me until I find the peace I need
Hold me close; make me feel safe
Give me an uncommon sense of security

Let me fall in wonder at how well we bond
Let me almost fall in love
Let me share with you my darkest fears
Let me close — and be sure to shove

Me quickly away, just as soon as you feel
A single pulse of your heart beating strong
Just as soon as you feel some fear
You might win me, please be sure I’m well and gone

Because: Gods help us if you might stay
Hell and angels will damn us forever
Should we enjoy more than a single day
Should we dare to stay together

And be sure to remind me that you’re looking for love
Since I’m sure not to know what that means
Since a long-term relationship could never begin
With such a plethora of near-perfect things

Be sure to set aside all of our common interests
Be sure to deny our attraction
And, above all, deny sex and lust
Since it’s sure to be the worst kind of distraction

Go far, far, far away
Make sure that we’re not friends, even
Because, F.F.S., how could love ever come
From a friendship one might believe in?

Recipe for Dystopia, Hour 2

Recipe for Societal Collapse and Authoritarian Restructuring

1. Start with a foundation of slavery and greed, create rules to allow rich white merchant class to maintain and gain power, wipe out native population after demonizing them as “savage” and “uncivilized”.

2. Institutionalize exploitation of the working class, whether slaves, indentured servants or serfs in the name of capitalism and progress.

3. Create false conception of freedom among the general population, obscuring systemic racism and economic control systems.

4. Divide population into 2 groups, use rhetoric and media-driven narratives to pit both groups against each other, continue stirring pot to increase polarization and further separate groups, increasing emotional reactions until nearly every topic under the sun becomes divisive.

5. Use tragic events such as acts of terrorism, war, school shootings, environmental catastrophes or global pandemics to enact further authoritarian policies and limit avenues for dissent.

6. Use orange-skinned political figurehead to incite one side to violently attack the other, using rhetoric that appeals to ingrained systemic racism and xenophobic fear cultivated by generations of passed down ignorance and hate.

7. Use falsified and/or misleading media narratives, public school system and disinformation campaigns to create confusion and general distrust of any institutions trying to promote truth, equality or civil discourse.

8. Isolate and discredit intellectuals, revolutionary ideas and anything else that might threaten the status quo.

9. As civil unrest and chaos inevitably start to rise, use provocateurs to provoke violence and allow conditions for total military crackdown on fractured and polarized population.

10. Enact orange figurehead as supreme leader, round up dissidents and activists using anti-terror laws and place in work camps, providing free labor to build new authoritarian dystopia where rich white men once again have complete and utter control over the country and are able to do whatever they please.


Recipe for never giving up (best dessert in town) Prompt 2

2 cups of persistence

1 cup of cinnamon

1 package of self rising flour

3 cups of positivity

1/2 cup of confidence


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In your mixing bowl cream together persistence (trying repeatedly) and cinnamon (speak up for yourself) until smooth. Add 3 cups of positivity (you didn’t fail, you just needed to know this step) into the batter along with confidence (I can do anything I want to do), and mix paying attention to the sides of the bowl.

now add in the self rising flour (watch your mindset grow) and mix until batter thickens.

Drop 24 spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet and bake 15-20 minutes to a golden brown.

Allow to cool, then enjoy.