So there is a Pandemic in the Air (Hour 2)


Our songs will not be lost.

That euphoric declaration of twenty twenty,

a new decade set to bear new wings,

painted on walls of grand introspection.


Yet, the songs were going to peel off.

At the wake of the decade’s first quarter,

a pandemic flew in like unidentified flying objects,

with an airplane too big for the landing field.



You know how it looks, don’t you?

That invisible crown walking like a king,

snuffing lives, halting man, closing earth,

like a whirlwind high up to the heavens.


You see, it craves ignorance like lust,

Seeking victims of the sin of hindsight.

Go ahead and be clothed in the veil of precautions

and the invisible crown will fly around without perching on your head.



Man up, woman up;

there is a weak spot in everything, lying aloof.

Puncture those balloons of paleness

and let them hiss aimlessly out of your space.



Ashes have gone round.

Some blown into the air, like blinding dust;

some bottled in domestic columbaria;

some stuck, like glue, under earth’s feet.

It’s time for a dive out of these ashes.



Let the arms gather, visible assemblies on the battle line.

Let the armies be adjured into action.

Let the swords take out all the jaundiced emotions that heap ashes beneath your feet.

The pandemic must have a weak spot somewhere.

The pandemic must have a weak spot somewhere.



Our songs will not be lost.

With fright thrown into the furnace,

with ignorance fleeing from us,

with earth healing beyond the ashes,

our songs will not be lost.

Hour 2 – three words

Three words, love.
There were many.

Pearl. Thread. Dreams.
There was a
Love. Scald. Longing.
Melody. Muse. Voice.
There was some
Lacking. Wanting closure.
Those flavoured with
Bitterness. Pungency. Sour.
There were words!
And I fell.
Chaos. Blood. Epiphany.
I lay fallen.
A pearl. A thread. A dream.

The Portal

The dark place with a glowing splint

The secret pit with an invisible lid

Ancient in its stake

Rather unkempt for our sake

Dangerous creatures of myriad shape

With voidless face with no shame

And slimy tooth of rotten shit

Arms with legs like animals

It has not,

But the legs of a spiny arachnid

It screams are like razor

Slicing through the darkness

Prolonging the dead sense

As decay rise up from the live bodies

In the webbed nest

Please open sesame!

Oh! Bloody portal

An escape we crave

From lonesome place

It’s coming, the monster!

Abracradabra portal!

  • Open up, before she makes me her leg! (more…)

Recipe for Life

A heaping scoopful of courage.

A dash of blind faith.

A portion of patience.

Generous grace.

Add a sprinkle of love.

Let the whole mixture rise.

Prepare for the feast

of a beautiful life.
















1. A generous supply of politicians, divided.

2. Virus

3. Racism

4. Opinions, laced with anger

5. A pinch of fact

Combine all ingredients.

Mix well.

Mix again.

Keep stirring the pot.

10 Things That Bring Happiness

  1. Turn around a thought: everything is hard becomes everything is easy.
  2. Change a sour mood: smile and the sweetness returns.
  3. Walk and observe: hummingbirds sip from glistening red cherries.
  4. Watch the pond: red-winged blackbirds turn up leaves and eat bugs.
  5. Smell the air: blackberry vines, mock orange, yellow flag, the lake.
  6. Give something away: heart, socks, food, a helping hand.
  7. Pet dogs and cats and birds and gerbils and rabbits and horses and….
  8. Clean out a dresser drawer: fold clothing and stack on end for easy viewing.
  9. Write a poem about pets or children curled in tight balls, sleeping.
  10. Sing to your lover even if you don’t have a good voice and don’t know the words.

Shadow and I

When I met my shadow
And I was afraid
I shook their hand
Felt the scraping of their claws
Along my palm

I shivered
Meeting their knowing gaze
With red eyes
And a twisted grin
Shoulders back
Chest puffed out

I slumped forward
Unable to contain the shadow
Unable to withstand its weight on my shoulders
Unable to fend off the
Putrid, foul odor
Of rotten eggs
And gasoline

Their laughter
Was like gurgling cries
Baby’s screams

And they laughed
And laughed
Doubling over
Bending themself in half
Slapping at the their kneecaps
Protruding slightly farther than mine

My shadow was grotesque
Oozing with fear
Dripping with pride
Clothed in insecurity
Adorned with greed
And gluttony
Like jewelry

When I met my shadow
I shook their hand
Their power overtook me
Snapping my wrist
Aggravating the injury
That was there before

I yanked
I pulled
I screamed
I fought
But my shadow wouldn’t let me go

I bargained
I promised
I begged
I pleaded

But they told me
From the depths of their guts
Rolling deep through the air
And into my ears

They wanted nothing


To be a part of me

I halted all movement
Looking the shadow in the
Darkness of their eyes
Encircled by the shimmer
Of bright light

My jaw slackened
My breaths slowed
And my find seemed to understand
All at once

Gulping down the discomfort
Swirling in my throat
I nodded

I closed my eyes


Sweet and wild
Billows around my cheeks
Stinging my eyes

Rapid blinks
Easing the burn
A remedy

They say milk
They say water
I say it doesn’t matter
I just want it out

Mixes with tears
Pouring down my
Bitter cheeks
Falling into
The valleys
Of my mask

It wasn’t enough
This wasn’t enough
What will be enough
When will
Enough be

Peace Cake (not suitable at political events)


People: variety of colors and creeds

Emotions: be sure to have a large quantity of compassion and empathy, but don’t forget anger for the “kick”

Comforts: availability will vary according to environment and temperament, use your intuition

Liberties: should be enough to cover all people evenly

Revolution: fill to about 2/3 of pot


  • Blend Emotions (remember to leave out anger till later) with Comforts until smooth; set aside
  • Gently toss People with Liberties until completely coated
  • Heat your Revolution to an even bubble and place Liberties coated People into pot; you are looking for an al dente texture, firm recognizable exteriors with soft interior ready to listen to other’s opinions and seek solutions.
  • After cooling, dust in anger and fold into Emotions-Comfort blend
  • Place on rock with plenty of water and foliage in well lit part of space to bake for several millennia

Best served with steaming cup of inspiration. (see recipe pg 143)