Hour 2

I often forget that other people
Do not constantly think about
Bodily orifaces and
Body fluids and
The trials of single motherhood
Mixed with Autism and ADHD and
Whatever other issues are
Rearing their ugliness at my face today.

So when it seems a random
Expletive-ridden vent session,
I have actually
Marinated in these ideas
For days.
Overloaded with so much
Yet still
So little.

Recipe for Gardening in the Woods

Trifecta: sunshine, soil, and rain

I live in the woods,
love the way sunshine slants
through breaks in the canopy,
and at the same time, long
for a sunny half acre
of flat land.

I work with what I have–
hope, and a dash of hubris;
raised beds, with carted in soil;
catch as catch can sunshine;
and too little or too much rain.

I choose seeds, not based on logic
but on the same hope and hubris
that I apply to the entire garden.
With a little luck
and a whole lot of labor,
I harvest enough for a meal or two,
a few jars in the pantry,

before I head to the farmer’s market
where I harvest the real bounty.


Control, Alt, Delete!

Pressing all these keys, yet the virus does not deplete.

This Covid19/Corona virus has no cure.

No antivirus can be installed, for your system to secure.


Conspiracy Theories, abound,

that makes my head spin round and round.

Yet there is an increase in the infection rate

and no decrease in the death rate.


The virus lingers in the air.

To cough, to sneeze, beware!

On surfaces, it may reside.

On the soles of the shoes, it may hide.


The virus may enter through the eyes, mouth or nose.

Hence, breathing problems, it may pose.

On a ventilator, in a hospital, you may be.

The virus attacks your lungs, if you have a co morbidity.


Whether it is false or true,

from being infected with this or any other virus,

may God save me and you!

High school

High school.

The time everyone feels the need to act cool.

Gone are the days when we played Hangman and Tic-Tac-Toe.

Now it’s all about what you did and who you know.


Conversations are no more about the previous episode of Scooby-Doo

But about the latest fashion trend and who’s dating who.

Boys and parties are the new thing.

And, gosh, don’t get me started on the drama high school brings!


It’s like your life did a full 180 degree turn.

And you either going to shine or crash and burn.

It’s intimidating, exciting and confusing all wrapped in one

But my advice is: study hard while having fun.

Recipe For Surviving Dogs in the Morning_Prompt #2 kjkidder


  1. Unconditional Love
  2. Old yard shoes
  3. A bit of strength
  4. A supply of small plastic bags
  5. Unlimited imagination

Early morning wake-ups

often delivered by wet noses of those you treasure

If at first, you don’t respond,

Your anxious pet may move on to drastic measures

Apply copious amounts of unconditional love wrapped in hugs and praise

Now, throw on those old yard shoes and quickly your body raise

Grab a leash of suitable length, and a small supply of plastic bags

Throwdown some coffee, a bit of strength, before encountering smelly gags

Converse in whatever means you can, with unlimited imagination,

Head quickly, quietly for some vegetation.

Keep applying more unconditional love each step of the way

Love them like children and have a grand day, I hope!

Hour 2: The “Easy 5” Recipe for Friendship


1. Ears

2. Empathy

3. Encouragement

4. Education

5. Entertainment

For a delicious friendship start with an oversized helping of ears. Be sure the ears are cleaned thoroughly—no wax build up—no deafness or distracted ears. Just healthy listening ears will do for this lasting friendship dish.

Add a large handful of empathy. Together with the ears this makes for a solid base for your friendship.

Next use only the highest quality encouragement. Don’t skimp on generic encouragement, spend a bit more for organic encouragement. Your friendship is worth it.

Next, sprinkle in your spices. First, education. Be sure that it is blended into the friendship well. You don’t want to add any boring or trite spices to your friendship—only educational spices. Learning and curiosity spices all in the education family of flavor.

Finally, a healthy pinch or two of entertainment. I prefer the humor spice—keep it fresh, not dried.

Your recipe for a vibrant friendship will be enjoyed for many years to come as long as you follow these five Ease.

As always, enjoy.

2. The Introvert’s Self-Affirming Breakfast (Full Recipe)

Taken from the first page of “The Introvert’s Guide to Survival” pub. 3186 
*FIRST A very quick, very necessary, very punctual definition of introversion* (to simply and responsibly whet the pallet) Introversion, as it happens is not a measure of one’s ability to be charming, debonair, dashing, or resplendent. In fact, Introversion versus Extroversion signalises plainly the idea that humans gather energy from other humans differently. Extroverts can plug in to any social situation, positively teeming with other unfamiliar humans and thrive, whereas for an Introvert to do so, it would take an immense amount of Self Actualization, and, well, courage to venture out and capitalize on such an endeavour.
For a human to survive, it needs human contact, and therein, as they have been wont to say
Lies. The. Rub.
The steps for cooking and assembling the Introvert’s Breakfast leave room for improvisation. But, in order to provide a rubric, the following guidelines are recommended:

FIRST: Start with coffee. Coffee at any time is never a bad idea. Any roast will do so long as it’s rich to the particular taste. (for this step, drinking the coffee is not actually required, ‘tis the ritual that comes with making the coffee, simply to “get the ball rolling” as it were)

SECOND: A journal entry. Experienced introverts are well versed with this step, however, it is more often forgotten or simply not mentioned in other recipes. The cultivation of one’s own handwriting is an essential flavour. Basic, yet essential.

THIRD: A series of decisions. The combination and variety of decisions varies, but can usually be whittled down to “what to wear,” “where to go,” and “whom to see.” These are important, for they must be bold, defining, decisions. Robust things that will put you “on the radar” for potential conversation. These decisions flavour the outing. The bolder they are the more savory sweet bitter sour spicy
your encounters will be.

Combine these elements on a plate and indulge. Sprinkle a little “alone but not lonely” or “mysterious, single bar patron” on top for taste.
*If you didn’t get it right the first time. Choose to try again. Though the public can be draining, a balanced diet calls for the consumption of this recipe at least once a week*

2020 Prompt One (1): Mom

Mom Has Gone

She left some time ago…

Where she went,

I don’t know.

Her body remains,

Her voice she retains…

Yet, her memories are gone,

And sadly, so his her song.

Mom was a singer extraordinaire,

The loss of her breast,

…just one;

It took her zest…

It took her sun!

Mom could talk…

And she could sing;

It was her joy…

It had this ring

…of youth!

Mom retains her roots, nevertheless;

Ask her to yodel

… she obliges with a smile.

Her silence is alarming;

for Mom always had every word…

ever so charming,

and so disarming!

That is gone…

and missed.

Who would know…

I’d miss the complaints

… the sarcasm and candor.

This quiet woman…

Whom says she remember my name;

Her only child

… although, it’s hard to say.

It’s the way, when asked …

Mom will agree, “Yes, I know her name…”

Yet, when tasked to recall

… Mom needs reminded of it all.

I wish she could remember

… her mezzo tones

…she shared so freely,


And her natural way

… to make it pay,

to offer her thoughts

… on your way(s)!

Not too long ago,

.Mom came for a moment…

and made a joke.

It was a day of fun…

Mom had one, then.

This woman who embarrassed me so!

Now, I want her back . . .

to make my blush or

embarrass my crush . . .

or may me exclaim, “Oh Mom!”

She lost three husbands …

…and now herself.

Be at peace, Mom …

as you need. I miss you more . . .

then can be said . . .

you know me somewhere;

and when you must…

I trust . . .

You will sing again,

And I will hear that voice,

and know the choir above…

has the made the best choice!

Then, like my father …

You, too, will visit in my dreams …

… tell me stories of your Army days,

…your joking ways

…the love you say

… was just for me.

NOTE: My 88-year-old mother, a former opera singer, is in hospice/nursing home care in Florida. She has severe Dementia and Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. She will yodel, if you ask. She has been legally blind for a few years with macular degeneration and glaucoma. She started the downhill in 2015, after her third husband (17 years married) died. She went through two bouts of breast cancer and some remission. Then, it came back and after the removal of one breast, after that, her Dementia was complete.

Mom served in the Army, sang with the USO, also, in the 1950s.

Maria Montessori: Half Marathon Hour One Summer 2020

A new vision of self within her,
she claimed her place among men.
Examinations, boards, clinics,
always serving women and children.
Ongoing ailments and illnesses with
roots in misinformation and ignorance
spurred her to find new solutions.
Education for a world of those underserved.
Traveling the world to help others.
Her vision for self led to possibilities for others
a new way of thinking, learning, and living.