Poem #2 – Recipe for Change – RedStar

Recipe for Change

  1. One cup of pure desire;
  2. One cup of commitment;
  3. One seed of mustard faith (more, when available).
  4. One cup of undiluted focus;
  5. One cup of humility and patience;
  6. One seed of mustard faith (more, when available).

*** Be sure your cup is full of desire of the highest quality; substitutes do not work well.

Blend commitment with desire until they begin to bond.  As the mixture begins to stiffen, roll in the seed of faith and continue blending until the components are fully bonded, like cement.  This will form the foundation of the change.

Infuse the focus with the humility and patience and spread it generously.

Small changes can be baked at high heat.  Larger changes should be baked at medium heat to avoid caving in the middle.


Petri at his Wreath

Petri at his Wreath

By Sandy Lender


Some bright bauble round

Reflects your eyes’ perfect shine

Excited for Christmas day

And the wreath with which you play

Darting through the opening

Dancing, squeaking, fluttering

A glance to me then swing back through

Beads of red in strings of green

The loveliest thing I’ve ever seen

Is you

Excited on Christmas day

Recipe for an Ideal Lover

  1. Listen
  2. Hunting
  3. Dodge
  4. Duck
  5. Wood

The following is the recipe for finding an ideal lover.

Follow the rules. Keep it close and you may just about find your ideal lover.

It is a difficult task to find an ideal lover.

However, if you insist on finding an ideal lover, you will not find her.

To find her, you would need to mix a large dose of listening to win her.

Let her simmer for a few minutes and pour your love all over her.

Go on a hunting spree to spice up your romance. Otherwise; it will grow cold and lose her taste.

Add a bowlful of dodge and duck. Your vow of silence should be enough to whet her appetite.

Add a spoonful of oil of perseverance and let it run all the way down to cover the soup.

Always bring home some wood to heat the oven and then sit at the table to enjoy your romance.

Hour 2: Spiral Recipe


  1. spirals
  2. garden
  3. dive
  4. waterfall
  5. gratitude

I plant spirals everywhere I go.

A garden full of climbing vines,

thoughts that turn and tumble

round the purpose of the moment,

finding all the nooks and crannies

where they can scatter past

appointed tasks, diving

quick as minnows swirling

in a stream,

silver-flashing gone

through waterfalls of inspiration.

I plant spirals and wait

in gratitude.

Recipe Poem: How to stay married

Ingredients needed

Anchor (staying power)

Eraser (forgiveness)

Yoga instructor (maintaining flexibility)

Prayer shawl (you will pray,  a lot)

Writing time (makes all the rest work better)

The main ingredient for this recipe is the anchor,  the staying power.  It must be added at each stage of the recipe.  If not the others will not work as well.

The eraser will be used as needed.  Erase any unwanted additives that come along and give a bitter taste.

Your yoga instructor should be utilized often.. you have to remain flexible and able to handle situations that arise.  If you are not your anchor will not hold and the eraser will fall behind the sofa and you won’t be able to reach it.

Keep your prayer shawl handy for quick additions when it seems that nothing is working as it should.  Pray.  Prayer works in every situation.

And then make time to write. It brings all the other ingredients together and makes them work.    It will remind you life can be edited.  Grab the eraser and edit.  It will also remind you that you are not perfect and make you much more flexible with someone else’s short comings.  It will also make you practice prayer,  because there will always be that one line that will not come when you want it.  It will also anchor you to the world around you and in you and you will feel safe enough to stay.

When all of these things are working together.  You can stay married and it will be a beautiful journey.

41 years and counting.  🙂




Prompt #2: Recipe for a non-food item

Recipe for balance in the time of plague


  1. Four and twenty birds…

not only rusty blackbirds, but blue

jays and cardinals and goldfinches

the small house finch with his cherry

hood, the cocksure mocker with his flick

of tail.


  1. Next grate the lemon fragrance of four

’o’clocks, magenta blossoms, silvery

perfume. Infuse the morning light below

before combining with birds.


  1. Gild thickly with infused sunlight

as light as the clear post-dawn air.

Incorporate birds, sunlight, and fragrance

gently, so that birds still flutter then perch.


  1. Sprinkle heavily with the stolen songs

of crow and raven, covered by mockingbird.

Let notes sift between birds, while mixture thickens.

Admixture should be cool and slightly sweet.


  1. Finally, spritz lightly with the sound of birds

bathing, four fledgling starlings clustered in a bowl

of cool water. Once done, allow recipe to bloom

in the bowl of morning. Balance done in minutes.




Please love me

⇐I have watched you from a distance

I have loved you from that same distance

My heart cries out for your love

Cries out for your touch, your caress

I see you with others and I cringe

I see you love others and I flinch

Please love me too

I need to be loved by you

I need you to look at me with that peculiar glint in your eye

That look of affection you give others

Please love me

Please set my heart afire

Set me aglow

Set me a lit

Please love Me

As a woman longs to be loved

Love me as one you’ll cherish, forever

Please love me

What is your name? – Hour 1

What Is Your Name?

You’re the longest relationship I’ve had, yet the strangest one there is. No one understands us, they forbid us to kiss in the eye of the public. When I speak of you, metal bracelets are wrapped around my wrists, confining. They take me away from you. They don’t understand, you and I.

I’ve known you a long time, your the friend I tell my worst dreams when I wake in the morning. We share our days and our nights, sometimes we can go for eternity it seems. You make me confused, the clock shows that time has moved. But I don’t feel it, I don’t feel anything. You take it all away, make me forget every time.

I’m so confused. So alone.

I hate you sometimes, don’t you know? You were my worst enemy, you were my best friend. You are my worst enemy, you are my best friend. Not much has changed, the game has stayed the same.

What’s your name?

They always ask when I speak of you so highly. But I can’t tell them, they never seem to think so fondly of you.

So while you are within me, I write words that I’ll never remember in two days when you have left me.

I can’t remember a time I was without you, I never do. I don’t want to. Your my best friend, I need. I can’t live without you.

I hate you, so damn much.

And yet, you’re my only true friend.




  1. Books
  2. Clouds
  3. Trees
  4. Childlike Curiosity
  5. Suspension of Disbelief


       Marinate liberally in 1, preferably for many years early in life. This will be easier if you naturally gravitate towards the wildness of life, because you will unnerve your peers and thereby acquire very few friends to distract from your marinating. Intersperse intense marination with 2 and 3. Make sure you spend time walking, and sitting, in relationship with 2 and 3. Do not add 4 or 5 yet, you must develop your relationship with 2 and 3 first, for at least half as long as you marinated in 1. As you incorporate 2 and 3, as you sit and walk with them and deepen your relationship with them, you will begin to notice that they draw out the flavor and images of 1. This is when you should begin to incorporate 4. Allow 2 and 3 to call back to 1, and encourage this interplay, getting the first three ingredients thoroughly mixed together in 4.
       It may take you a long time, but eventually you will notice that 2 and 3 appear to add to your understanding of 1. They may even seem to shift and move in answer to your own thoughts. THIS is when you should VERY LIBERALLY apply 5. You will think you’re crazy. That’s OK. This world is insane, so if you’re sane in an insane world you’re actually already crazy anyways no matter what you do. And that means you’re free! Through 5 and 4, 2 and 3 will continue to collaborate with you. First it will be in brief conversations. If you continue to mix all of the ingredients together, they will lead you all the way back to the beginning, and you will generate a 1 of your very own (though you, of course, will know that 2 and 3 were indispensable in the process, so they are just as much the authors of these new 1s as you are.)

       *If ever you lose interest in continuing to marinate 1, go back to 4 and liberally apply.

       *If you gain the ability to converse with 2 and 3 but then lose it, go back to 5 by way of 4.

Recipe for a Peaceful World




Economic System

Opportunity & Education Mix


This recipe isn’t quick and easy like brownies, but it is certainly satisfying.

It is impossible to add too much Love. If you’re not sure you have enough, I have found that the more you stir it, the faster it grows. Be sure it’s natural, organic love, with no artificial ingredients like narcissism or manipulation. That kind will ruin the recipe. If you find you don’t have enough love on hand for the whole world, mix in some Respect. That’ll work, too.

Once you have adequate love, stir in Justice, applied equally and fairly to all.

Throw in a double handful of Opportunity and Education so that humans can sustain themselves through Work and can find fulfillment in their lives.

Add appropriate Shelter so humans can be adequately housed and kept safe from the elements.

Stir in an Economic System; be sure it’s the kind that works for everybody.

Bake in good weather and bad weather, easy times and hard times.

Guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser.

Serves 7 billion.