Cooking Ahead

A recipe for a lover.

  1. A pinch of disbelief
  2. A cup of desire
  3. Some of hope
  4. A dash of sweet, a note of sour
  5.  Low heat for hours,

Touch often, simmer low, high heat.

Life is sweetest when shared, cook often

and give the spice of life.


SYLVIA                                        (HOUR 1, 6am Poetry Marathon 2020)


Her family didn’t know

what to make of her.  They wanted

her to shut up, stop talking about

what went on in that two-story house – the


stifling, the screaming, the belt descending,

the shutting down, out; the endless

you aren’t doing whatever you’re told.

The sniping.  Lies. Mum’s. Da’s. The hands,


always the hands in the wrong spot.

The shoulder, the waist.  Lower, not

to be mentioned.  Not even

here – on the blank page – god no,


not even there.  Shut up, put your fingers

in your ears.  Mum’s the word.  Hers.

Should be yours.  Make yourself smaller,

shrink your eyes, your heart, go away.


Don’t try to make him, her stop.



Recipe for a dog named Griffy

1. Bark (may substitute woof if needed)
2. Loyalty
3. Joy
4. Wolf ancestry
5. Play

Directions: mix the bark and wolf ancestry together in a large bowl. Stir in five spoonfuls of loyalty and whisk until mixture is smooth. Using a grater, add in joy and play to taste.

Note: This recipe is for an energetic terrier. Cut back on bark and wolf ancestry if desired.

Poem 2 Hour 2

Recipe for a Beautiful Morning 

1. half fluttering eyes 
2. a smirk
3. sunlight through silk
4. hands still roaming 
5. hearts matching breaths

Start with a slow churn of half fluttering eyes, while whispering a gasp. 
Add a smirk and sunlight through silk, below hands still roaming.
Blend well until hearts matching breaths are lost over time.
If needed, repeat as necessary.

Recipe for End-Stage Capitalism

1. Free range greed
2. Racism
3. Out-of-control technology
4. Virulent viruses
5. Climate change
Mix the first 3 ingredients together in the largest bowl you have. They will rise like crazy when combined.
Add the viruses sparingly to the climate change, which has been simmering overnight.
Combine both mixtures, beating vigorously.
You’re on your own from this point on. Watch what happens and text your observations to:

A Hard Choice Amid a Pandemic

Influence can be a dangerous mechanism

especially when pulled by heartstrings.

‘Do this,’ he cries

and he expects you to comply

because you are related –

a connection that should mean something

but doesn’t always –

The weight of choice crushing light

because the right choice will be wrong

for someone.

So deep breaths, fill your cup,

listen to the dismal rain

calling you over the pounding

of influence’s call and make your choice.


Recipe for a Mess

Add three mental diagnosis
Some alcohol and drug addiction
Paired with two young parents
One stepfather full of vitriol
Three life tragedies
Four mental breakdowns
Balance that with
One miracle daughter
A miscarriage that wasn’t to be
A devoted spouse that stays no matter how many times
Pushed away
Don’t forget to mix in some compassion
Infinite empathy
A loving heart
A magic laugh
A stunning smile
Stir and chill for 44 years
Yields one woman saved by God’s grace


  1. Take family and mix. (Can be blood-related or not.)
  2. Add friends: can be new and old.
  3. Add drama and fun.
  4. Keep mixing until it comes together with understanding.
  5. Remember the past both good and bad.
  6. Bake and cool with love and sweetness.
  7. Enjoy with everyone.
  8. You have gained Happiness. Congratulations!

In 100 Trillion Years

The world is a screen
the sun is a star
and its light feeds
the life which is filth and blood and flame.
The sensation is the spark,
the thoughts are the wires,
the idea is the design and the hands are the tools
to build order from order from order
in order to bring more beauty to the decay
of all things
and in the end all is even.

Christmas Dream

Recipe for First Christmas

  1. Cozy Cuddles
  2. Furry Blankets
  3. Childish Giggles
  4. Entwined Finger Hearts
  5. Magical Whispers

Slowly hope that this dream never ends.

Periodically check for reality to get rid of it.