H2: Fine Flavored Five

Poem Dujour







Using a generous helping of your first ingredient,

stir, stir, stir.

A simple syrup of silliness,

into life’s blender and whir.


Pulse is a plus, each line, phrase, and ditty.

Rhyme if you must—just keep it witty.

Pour into stanzas; it should still be gritty…


Then top it all off, like icing to savor,

With a lingering laugh, to remember the flavor.


Sej 2020

Recipe for Avoiding Detection


1) Doubt (in others or self )

2) Sunglasses

3) Soft but dry cough (non phlegm)

4) Ribs (own or spare)

5) Sandpaper



Ask plenty of questions whilst sanding away your motivation.

Avoid eye contact even when dry.

Let the ribs tighten slightly as the stomach quivers,

then, cough gently to release the tension (but to avoid attention).

Never fall in love.

Book the last two seats, in your name, for the Greyhound and

steal a boat leaving only whispers of your story in the sail.


Working in the present…

in the middle…

an ancestral bridge

to cherished memories,

guardian of tradition,

celebrating the way WE do things

the way WE have always done things

While also

Looking into the future


anticipating change


encouraging the next generation

to remember and learn and innovate

Both required

to succeed today…

to ensure tomorrow



Recipe Poem (Hour 2)

Recipe for Navigating Old Age


  1. Friends
  2. Sarcasm
  3. Sorrow
  4. Joy
  5. Sunrise



Keep ingredient number one on hand at all times. May be fresh or frozen.

Fold in ingredients 2 through 4. Sarcasm will lighten the mix. Sorrow is necessary but should not be allowed to sit. Sprinkle joy throughout the batter.

For best results, add one sunrise per day as long as humanly possible.

Aqua Poem 2


A blank page

full of jagged edges

rips apart my life

to give to get in return,

no glory,

pain gains power to risk everything to be


that is a world of confusion.

By Aqua  PMC Shared 6/26/20

Shopping Day


Part II of “The International Gourmet Feast”


Shopping Day I


Can I get it all in one buggy

probably not

what crab to get

Alaskan Red King, why not


for the Potage Parmentier

fresh parsnip and leek

a specialty of mine

the recipe shall not leak


must be the finest of cheddar

for the Canadian soup

and the bacon of our nation

and pepper to supe


Chorizo vinaigrette

with EVOO the great

for the Spanish Salad

with Marcona almonds so great


Cracked green olives

in brine of balsam and glory

for fanciful tagine

What flavour… Glory!


DeaBeePea  6-27-20





one part levothyroxin
one part wellbutrin
three parts vitamins
three parts ibuprofen
one part cbd gummy

toss pills over shoulder and hope they absorb through the skin
likewise crush gummy into skin of wrist and pray it works

one part glucosamine
one part multi-vitamin
one spoonful of carnitine
three parts ibuprofen
one part sleep cbd gummy

toss pills against wall to ricochet into the ears
pour carnitine over the head and rub gummy into eyes and pray it works

one part major depressive disorder
one part anxiety disorder
one part autism spectrum disorder
one part arthritic joints
one part overactive immune system trying to kill off the healthy tissue
37 years of life

toss parts into a wishing well
and hope a whole person comes out

Hour 2: Be as it may

Be as it may

The sun still shines

The baby still whines

The rain still falls

There will always be walls

The pages turn yellow

Many more rhymes will fall through

And earth will still keep going

And going and going

Be as it may.

Recipe for The Poetry Marathon- Hour 2

First grab your courage

Sign up, sign in

Take your pledge to follow through


Stare at the screen, white and pristine

Hear it sing in quiet words

Floating about above your head


Place your fingers

Carefully on the keys

Make them dance around

Pulling words from the air

Light, airy,

Dark, destructive


Entice the muses

Make them your friend

Sit them on your shoulder to watch

Feed them coffee and Cheez-Its

Play with them

Amuse them


Form the poem


Simile, metaphor

Random musings

Rhythm, rhyme

Freedom to galivant

Bring in heroes, villains

A piece of toast


Edit it

Publish it

Send it out into the world

Your baby into the ethers

Sit back, relax

Until the hour is done

Sip your coffee, pet your muse
