Poem Hour Two

Recipe for Ten Years

For ten years of marriage,
Days not always happy,
But always together,
Take me, take you,
A world built together.

Mix in a love of books,
Sci fi and music,
Pet names, shared jokes,
Laughing so hard I cry,
As you tickle me relentlessly.

Add those quiet moments
Sharing silence, never alone,
With cold winter mornings
Before an open fire,
And cooking together in own kitchen.

Ten years goes so fast,
Hold it close, precious,
Heat it gently, stir in
A little adventure,
Northern Lights and helicopter trips.

Serve up to two so close,
Holding hands every day,
Slow, lazy mornings
With slow, lazy kisses,
Which never get old.



1 cup Mush
1 cup Gray Sloppy Mush
3 Tbsp Malarkey
1 tsp Thick Apathy
1 pinch Oh Crap

Mix all ingredients in an unwashed mug, stir with sarcasm if desired. Best consumed before reality sets in.

2020 – 2

They say that success
Can be broken down
Into fractions

They say it’s a mere one
Percent talent
With ninety-nine
Percent work

But without motivation
This equation
Is incomplete


My name is Aqua nice to meet you. I have been creating on hold telephone message content for 7 years. Recently I also began to write web content, and I have been writing poetry since high school. I love writing poetry, non fiction, fiction,as well as many other forms of writing. I am excited to begin my freelance writing business with a move to a new home in the future as well for a peaceful writing spot. I wish to work with short stories, blogs, poems, children’s writing, greeting cards, and more. Thank you sincerely for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy the poetry challenge tomorrow.
Miss Aqua

Hour 2 Waterfalls

The words

flow from my fingers

like waterfalls;

Clear and fast, loud and  refreshing.

I am setting my mind free of burdens;

guilt and shame that would darken my days.

I am building poems

like homes;

Strong foundation, beauty entwined, complete.

I collect wisdom like seeds

and plant them every step I take.

Weeping Willow trees grow.

Orange flowers bloom.

I visit whenever I feel lost

which is often.


Hour 2: Special Recipe

Recipe for Working with Kiddos with Special Needs

  1. Sense of humour
  2. Flexibility
  3. Kindness
  4. Firmness
  5. A dash of sarcasm

In working with kiddos with special needs, you need a big, heaping pile of humour. Let the humour set for a bit, or you will be in for an emotional boomer. A scoop of flexibility is vital, to keep your stress in check. To be rigid and unbendable, will just give you a pain in the neck. Add kindness to the whole mixture, a spoonful of firmness will keep you on track. Mix in a dash of sarcasm, and a successful recipe you will get back.

2020 Prompt Two (2): Recipe For Manifesting [Hour 2]

To Manifest Your Desires

Ingredients for you, and me . . .

Know you are:

  • God
  • Christ
  • Power

To Create:

  • Imagine What You Desire (Christ Consciousness)
  • God (Create An Image In Your Imagination)
  • Know (It has already manifested)
  • Pray (In gratefulness, as it already is)

To Manifest:

  • Faith (That it already is …)
  • Faith (That your imagination has created it)
  • Faith (No doubt)

The sin is to doubt…

The blessing is to know;

The hell is to walk in fear…

Heaven is to be in the show!

The show is to be in it …

To be in it, is you acting;

This is not a movie you watch…

It is a film in which you are attracting!

You see from your eyes…

You are the lead;

And also the guide…

The creator, the seed!

Recipe for Peace


  1. Pin of justice
  2. ¼ love
  3. ¼ compassion
  4. ¼ respect
  5. ¼ tolerance


Mix all ingredients well with care and hope.

No need to refrigerate, bake or broil.

Open your heart,

To obtain the perfect peace recipe.

@Mejia – Hour Two

10am Your Space

Take the space you need, whether it be to clam up or spread out. It is your space, your body, your mind. No matter the choice, it will be ever changing.