To the Queen I’ll Never Meet

Within castle walls ,

You shelter the world

Within your peace and grace.

Ancient, yet your understanding

Ever young.

Who wouldn’t bow to a queen?

I’d love to bend the knees before you.

Do queens die?

  • You, my queen, will reign in our hearts forever.

Hour 1

I still dream of an unfettered life


decades later I’m still imprisoned in an image


by others for profit.

Bare and vulnerable I posed


I could be seen as someone


The ‘perfect’ woman is really a


But all I wanted was to be a





We have been told again and again
in all kinds of languages
modern, ancient
written, oral
rhyme, prose
urban, rural
scientific, plain English
lingua, tongue
spoken word, sign
cartoons, paintings
in times of heat, in times of cold
in times of draught, in times of floods
in times of fires, in times of melts
our ears unable to see
our eyes unable to hear
prophecy to our grasshopper play
is terrifying
is not, Rachel Carson

Poem 1 From Prompt #1 My Mother…My Influence and Sometimes Muse by Ingrid Exner


My Mother is

bent with age.


Calloused hands that

once held mine-

through Education, Illness and Time!


Memories swim through her


Talking, sharing and laughing,

we have swam miles-



Yet today, we


through memories

Fearing Forgetfulness

of anything new.

My warrior sister, my mother-

My muse!



My  Mother is

Bent with


but fearlessly

facing tomorrow

in Strength!


By Ingrid Exner, 2020 Half Marathon

For Susan B Anthony (Hour 1)

For Susan B. Anthony


Petticoats fluttered, I suppose

on those endless rides across the prairie.

Your heart may have fluttered, too,

as you braced to speak out.

So much of that ride was uphill

through cold landscapes.

Still, the landscape softened;

hills flattened; fences dropped.

Your travels and speeches

left a permanent trail.

We follow your path today —

speaking out with fluttering hearts

on every uphill ride.






she didn’t know that

she would feel this way

woken woman

didn’t expect that

the white house

would be white washed

as if she wasn’t there


antiseptically wiped away

by white privilege

while a virus



less than

deep rooted


breeding deep inside.


a heart frozen

in hate

can’t thaw

until the drive

to win at the cost

of someone else’s



is buried deep

in a history that

doesn’t understand

we were born to learn

lessons that prism white

into a rainbow of colors


while Michelle bides

her time until we see

that black and white

blend into who we can be



She often says, “I’d rather ask forgiveness
than ask permission” and
this is how she creates
magic from her intentions.

Beachside cottages, children,
an apartment for the cats,
then a labyrinth, a real labyrinth,
taking shape in the desert
under her direction.

At the solstice we gather
and set our intentions,
then walk the circular path
toward peace and clarity.

We bless the four directions.
We drink cider and eat gingersnaps.
We build community made possible
by one woman’s bold vision.