Hour 1 (2020)

I see her in the puddles shimmering in the subway entrance

on the scaffolding of post-war apartment buildings

where she once held passionate court

Her voice echoes still in the bustle of Berlin,

through the prison bars that sought to restrain her

bold, antifacist, and lesbian.

Now I sit in that cafe

where she spent her later years

mourning the death of her young lover

I blow a kiss to you, Hilde Radusch

and the road you’ve paved for me



I am an artist by nature and profession. I graduated with a BA degree in English Writing from the University of Colorado and my emphasis is in Creative Writing.

*I take pictures too.

Poem Hour One


Dee she was, never Doris.
Rarely mum or grandma.
Just Dee – no just about her.
Short, but not a risk you would overlook her.
Glamorous and strong, fiery and fierce,
Right up to the age of 96.

Family by blood or not,
Once in you stayed,
But you had better behave,
No fools suffered here,
Her memory almost as long
As her rich, full life.

A teacher always,
Science a passion,
Art, music, food she loved,
But books her weapon of choice –
To read, to teach, and then
To publish.

Headstrong to the end,
Centre of any room.
Her presence larger than she was,
She would receive visitors majestically –
When appearing with gifts
Of coffee, whisky, cake.

Her long reign now over,
A gap in our hearts and life,
For Doris, Dee,
Sister, wife, mother, aunt,
Grandmother, great-grandmother,
Great aunt.

Poem1 Aqua

Where will we go from here,

We can’t even stand near.

To each other,

Is it even safe to visit mother?

We are told to stay in doors, and safer at home.

But it is human nature to want to roam.

To be free,  then we stand up for our rights.

It was over the fights and then it’s continued into the nights.

What does our future hold if we all do not unite?

But even our president won’t wear his mask and  his gatherers.

It’s just not right.

The beaches  are packed, and although recently opened the bars are  now closed.

Looks like the reopening plan, it’s kind of got hosed.

Please wear your mask and don’t uncover your nose.

And hope and  pray for the best while we hear each day how it all goes.

2020 Prompt One (1): Courageous Women [Hour 1]


A woman of courage . . .
To live is our grace!
To have come here . . .
In a patriarchal society;
fighting hard to be matriarchal!

It’s time …
We knew!
We know!

Yet, someone over rode it —
Commit the sin …
Never mess with Mother Nature!
And when you do, the virus came!
We shall overcome, though.

Never forget …
Teach your children well!
Reach for women, in respect!
For they create life within …
and deliver it outward.

Do not mistreat her.
Bless her presence!
Know her strength!

Listen …
Know …
Acknowledge …

Then, she rises you up, too!

hour 1 poem


Breakfast are different yes they are

Around the world they are by far

A rasher of bacon and eggs well done

Maybe rice with greens and a nice hot fish


Those with some taste might seek a croissant

Toast is a favorite served many a way

But for me no Vegemite un huh no way

Maybe a crepe by any other name

Will sit on you plate waiting to be claimed


Yes, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day

So here I sit eating it and pecking away

So wherever you are on this world this day

May you have a great breakfast so you will not fray!

(Hour 01) 10.30-11.30pm. PROMPT: famous woman


even though, she

even though
she denied climate change
had selfish views on marriage
took the bible literally

even though
she rarely praised me
lavishing love instead
on Rueben 

even though
she claimed I did
she always had to have
the last word

even though
she ran for parliament
three times  thankfully
she was never elected

even though
she was all these things
i still miss her
she was after all

my mother

A little about me!

Hello! My name is Heather and I have done this poetry marathon once before! Very cool experience.

Poetry is my release. One of…. I don’t believe there are rules to poetry              ( although there are rules for certain types ) write as you feel….. and feel as your write…… looking forward to this challenge. I have been blocked for a long time when it comes to writing…. this should be interesting!

I recently opened up a meditation spa in my area. Very excited about that! I am a Reiki practitioner, hydro therapist ( yoni cleanse) and Bach remedy practitioner.


Poem #1

she is (for Ebony)

she is legs in air, upside down
she is warrior queen, heart and smile
she is calm cool voice
breathe in, breathe out
she is always downward facing dog
strong back cobra posed
even breaths in lotus pose
she is sphinx rising
cat-cow up
lifting her head towards heaven
she is a beautiful body
showing us all how to live free

The embroidery of love

She was an embodiment of hope to all men

She could be referred to as a godess as she was gifted with beauty and all men were slaves to her

Her smile had only hopes filled in them, and her eyes had the sparkling gaze of Athena

Her skin was as smooth as silk and she had an overwhelming presence of peace which was so undeniable

But with all these laid a very distasteful and displeasing character

Her tongue knew nothing other than lies, she never bore the truth, as such it was far from her

A curse people call it for being so proud with her beauty and seeing others as inferior to her including enslaving men

Her beauty waned like the leaves during winter and she became an alien in her town

Tears flowed from the sweet and charming eyes of the goddess and it sparkled brightly like diamond

She called on the heavens to have mercy as she has failed them and a condition was to be met before the curse will be broken

They pronounced true love as the only cure for such illness, she had to love and lay with a man who had shown her love beyond all reasonable doubt

She was ostracized from the land and like a glitter of hope she met a man it was like all hope was lost for him but he understood the goddess wailings and decided to instill in her truth

It wasn’t an easy task but he did with such commitment and as he did a bond was created and then nature decided to bless them with love

And on a midnight  he said to himself i may kiss my beloved and if she did reject me then death be on my head for i have taken thy consent

He blessed her lips with a kiss and she enveloped him in her arms and they made love under the peaceful moon where the stars twinkled and the goddess of love removed thy curse and made her whole

And peace and wealth reigned in their home till death came and delivered his blow both at the same time were taken to live together for eternity