Hour 1: To My Friend

In this darkness

When I was lost, with no vision

You called out my name

When I was hopeless

Drowning in despair

You reached out to me

You didn’t lie, didn’t say it would be okay

You were just there

Listening to me

And today, here I am

Just because you believed in me

Thank you, my friend.

A famous Lady in our lives

Hour 1 Prompt 1

Lady in always in trials,

Struggling yet overcoming

Fluids of engagement

Entrusting the lives of new development

Prompt in the lives avenue

Continuing educating the public

Conversely evenly distributed to life enduring



I wasn’t sure if I was to post the first poem between 9am.and 10am, or AT 10am. So I’ve posted a baker’s dozen to be on the safe side.

Thank you for this great opportunity.

We Call it Information

and it’s nothing but noise.
Several billion by now
hands typing, tapping
the errant thoughts
the endless opinions
the word invented
six thousand years ago
along trading routes,
in temples,
beneath the tired frenzied eyes
that felt strange being human
and searched for what to say.

And now the word is everywhere,
in brief percussive shouts.
Shouts of subtle wisdom
Shouts of shared untruth
Shouts adored by the masses
Shouts of isolation in the crowd.
Competing endless chatter
invisible hands lift the loud ones to the top
those who shout the loudest
might be elected king someday.

Typing up for money
typing because you’re broke
typing from the experts
typing from the insane
typing from the faithful
and the hopeless seeking fame.
At night I type when I can’t sleep
and when I’m awake I type to push my dreams away.


I think, therefore I am,
said the arrogant stone.

Once, I was metal,
but when the fire roared

within the core of the
molten, spinning ball,

I cut myself into pieces,
and rained down,

liquid, faceless granite,
thick, black, and raging,

a father beating up
his long-dead daughter,

hot onto the cooling
surface of marbled earth,

where water carved me,
swallowed, shaped me,

then threw me and broke
my mind until I lost me

till sunrise covered me,
taking away all thought,

so that now nothing more
means anything to me.

She Was Once Kind(Prompt 1)

Her eyes rewind the hands of time,
In her mind she would plot the demise,
All men in sight,
Because of one man who destroyed her pride,
Her eyes could rewind the hands of time,
She became their muse,
Strived to be worshipped,
Whilst hurting and breaking all those who worshipped,
Her eyes could rewind the hands of time,
Pushing for perfection in the art of breaking,
She was never at peace with herself,
Haunted by the failure to forgive the one that broke her,
In her mind he tarnished her beauty in truth no scar was there to prove,
In conclusion she was extremely petty,
Because she got broken by overthinking and blamed it on the one that was with her,
Her eyes could turn back the hands of time,
She hurt those who wanted to love her,
Killed emotions of all those who cared for her,
Her eyes could turn back the hands of time,


Hat on, keys in hand,
My ordinary superman,
Ready for the call,
Day or night,
You don’t know how special you are,
But that’s just it,
This superman is anything but ordinary,
Hidden in the world as Clark Kent,
Those who know, see who you really are,

Can we promise each other this?

It’s a long road ahead that you and I will #walk.
We may or may not match our stride.

We may never ever cross paths.
But if we ever do, and if our #masks still hide our #smiles,

…can we #promise each other this ?

We shall not turn away our eyes in #guilt.
We shall not lower them in #fear.

We will remind ourselves that, while #anger and #sorrow have no #color,
#Love makes up for them in a million hues.

We will accept that #acceptance is hard, and #forgetting isn’t easy,
But deep within we will #believe, to #forgive isn’t just #divine, it’s also the best anti-depressant.

The road ahead will be traversed by many like us.
And also by many more, unlike us.

It will be trudged slowly, by those, whose #wounds are deeper than ours,
Who are #weary, whose #hearts need to #heal, and whose #minds need to #rest.

Maybe, just maybe if we kept our promise, we may be able to make it a little easier for them?
Maybe we #slow down for a few who need the #kindness, and #run with those who want to be #free ?

Aren’t we all a little bit selfish, to want to be remembered for the right reasons?

It’s a long road ahead that you and I will walk.
We may or may not match our stride.

We may never ever cross paths.
But if we ever do, and if our masks still hide our smiles,

…can we promise each other this ?