
In the moist black hours
of midnight sleep
the wind pushed in
with sudden force,
swept up the dusty ground
like a broom.

Forced out of their secret corners,
under a canopy of pines,
the mice stormed by trailer.
They scurried up my tires
and invaded through invisible cracks.

Their evidence is clear—
tiny black droppings in drawers,
and footprints forgotten
in the dust outside.

So today, by gulps of caffeine,
and the frantic motion
of my pen across paper,
I’ll try once again to scrub them away.

9am Poem #1

Just me
Laying in bed
Awake, aware, I wait
For others to come help me out
Just normal daily needs
I cannot do

(Eintou form)

This is me

Usually ask who am I 


I am telling me

Who the fuck do you think you are

It doesn’t matter who I think I am

It matter who I know I am

And from there

Create a better me

This is me 

Creating a better life for me

Tired of being someone’s daughter

Chose to have sex but today

Sticking with my choice to be a mom

Now I’m trying to build orur future 

My way

Not him

No I am not her

Who the hell is she

Doing things my way


This is me


Anxiety swirls in my stomach like an F5 tornado

sweat leaks from my palms in age-old embarrassment

the thoughts rushing through my brain like seagulls after bread

Hot then cold waves wash over my body in a sussurus of fear, shame, guilt.

I’ve failed so many times before.

Begun so many times before

Left unfinished, abandoned, lost to time and memory

Only to return as a reminder of inadequacy

As flashes of pain that make me want to turn away,

or cover my eyes to avoid seeing the wreckage-

but the wreck is inside me and I can’t cover my mind’s eye

So I will distract myself with dreams of success and joy

I will plod along – the draft horse pulling the plow-

Tilling the fertile soil of my imagination.

I will plant the seeds, water then with my sweat and tears

and rejoice when they bloom.

Ready to go


I am Erin.  I am a mother of a set of twins and a set of triplets and 1 toddler as well.  I was a teacher for many years.  I live in NYC and have for a decade.

I am a MFA dropout.  It seemed easy to write when I was young.  Now I am using this to kick start myself into new and better habits in writing.


Happy writing everyone.





Just to introduce myself to the group I’m a poet who has been writing and performing for well over a decade. I cut my teeth in Manchester among some fine poets. I’ve loved every minute of the processes of being a published and performing poet. I live in Ireland and run a poetry covers event in Belfast. I often perform my poetry with sign language and I love performing at festivals. I’m currently putting together a manuscript and hope to get started on some poetry tomorrow that might lend itself towards inclusion, even just by a few choices images or good themes. I’m doing the half marathon.

To Each

What we have of the moon

and the moon has of us


Borderlands, we hvae

the moon has us looking


We have the opening moon

the moon has too many eyes


A black coat to cover,



Rocks in glass cases, though they be dull

a yearning for the ’70s.


Good Morning from East Side of Manhattan NY. Looking forward to creating poems this year. I am a drama therapist in training and use theatre, improv, and poetry in my work with elders who suffer from memory impaired diseases.  This year may be a challenge, as I have a 4 month old daughter Leanna. Although as far as babies come, she is easy to handle.