
My beloved
I know you want to go away
I will love you from afar
So many wounds drain you
Dates haunt you
The whole world of harm
Has taken on my face
Yet I have my own selfish blame
You tell of so many plates spinning
One falling will bring them all down
Forgiveness is a task too far
In my sleep I cradle that little girl
Tomboy strawberry blonde
More like a twin than a sister
Cast our two seven-year-old souls
Bags in hand off to explore a river
Camp with knives away from the hurt
Safe in our imaginary games
Which continue behind these heavy suits
Only there will you reach for my hand again.


Such a letting go occurs when you are away
Empty staring into my imagined possibilities
Does little potency of mine impact you there?
No longer a passenger on the train
Left at the station lost luggage around
Experiences and tastes not mine to know
Joined in love yet distinct utterly rendered division
Your life flows to its own orbit, conjunct for only mere moments
I know the gravity between us is stronger than most
Yet many parts of your whole deny me thrice
Other devilishly want to break all
Do those miniscule things beckoned not to
Seduce the innocent and smash down our diminished state.
Rage and rave and rip away – we did so many before we met
Now we are quite distant what difference can it make
I know niggling inside is the warmth we share
That heat continues and evaporates untouched.

“Id like you to write…

… about giving all control away. Being a passenger not having any say in where the car goes, how fast it goes, which route it takes to get there. Full surrender.”

Purified ebony in musk polished calm,
as sky and liquid carries off without distinction,
No motions of air transgress a hulled cast vessel,
Without light perforations adorned shadowed firmament,
Encased verging entombed yet womb-like-comfort,
Be it Styx or Tiber outstretched my limbs do go,
Sinews loosen as all regard rendered needless,
One last mere choice in renouncing,
No mere float yet no sought glide,
Yielding faining reliance entwined submission,
Drift along provocation of welling tranquility,
Softening compulsions to prevent whatever may be,
Facade of self dissolving through the division in hourglass halves.

Semi revolution of eyeballs upwards glance,
Fractured being looming up above,
Physical presence containing nuance,
Differing momentum inside conflicted dynamic,
Calm curiosity as to which can show,
Transitional responsibility of unbridled rule.
Laying down totally exposed allow the animal free reign
Yet this uninhibited freedom to strike brings forth a lick,
Wondrous gift like a marital bed no barrier to love or harm,
Trust being constructed on an offering of mutual risk,
Reflections crystalise possible when movement ripples cease,
What we see determined by we have known,
Past violation ripped autonomy like new babe from mother,
My current state drifting like a mobile to calm the same.

Unturning unhandled shovel digging for me
No finger raise towards the sky as the dirt falls down
What will be will feel like an end here down below.


Chisel striking downwards
Every motion quite light
Together eroding much
Individually each cut make sense
Yet together evaporating all.

Constant tide washing against
Unravelling all buried beneath
Exhumed and exposed
Still I stay washing away
Not sure where else to go.

Apologies croak throat too dry
I found there is indeed a limit
Which I seem to reach now each day
Every breath so chastised
Threaded into a constant dark.

Cloaked behind every peck
The cockerel crows three times
Continually expendable
Everything wrong done for me
Striving pitiful to remind the good.

Broken in, ridden for show
Prize pony trained to be sorry
Hope you feel safer now
An endless outlet here awaits
Throw all you have, and see me remain.


Monochrome illustrations in hard-to-paint folds
Wealth brimming silence calm bustle outside
Compelling cringing urges to escape
Wild unbroken horse mental whirl
Shattered and whole, broken sheet vacuumed packed.
Frosted preserved and taunting at me
Never again, rings such dull hope
Considering possibilities not outwardly spoke.
Still cast down besides, so accursed
I know I truly want no one else.


Casting spells at your altar
Calling for me to become untimely real
The loving ‘thing’ you never had
and despite all here I came.
A shot came through of purest love,
That love not felt by us for years
Commanded to me by some inner calling
Encouraged and beckoned
On I float and come so close nearby.

Then come I come and whats all about,
but where I arrive no welcome’s near.
A fortress avoidant and walls most bleak.
Why call on me now for this?
While every intimacy an invasion seems,
Eros spread so thin so no where sticks.
In destructive rampage I reach out.
I meet every snare and trap you laid
Wounded and cut I stagger through
No drawbridge lowers and no moat abates
Yet on I wander through and through.

How dare I care, how dare I exist
Every step I make is a terrible wrong.
Boundaries drawn and redrawn to keep me out.
I falter and I stutter so confused of whats about.
If finally you kill me off
then know you must no more may come,
chances so precious we must all change,
as prayers are only answered from above.

When one stares so deep into mortar stone
then blinkered forgets the world beyond.
Taking comfort in the harshest materials,
as harsh breeds harsh and constructs this here.
I glimpse behind this place with momentary wonder,
As did you when kneel you did and made your incantations.
You sorcerer’s apprentice cast so well
and water comes and water comes
no wall you make can keep it out.

I trip and knock defences here and there,
show the hollow insides of idols near,
divesting of what we truly don’t need.
If such spells could cast us dearly so,
then maybe it was this same current called on
which now comes to push these barriers away.
Cling not to stone or wood or clay,
Wealth abounds wherein we pray.
What a curse to finally get what you invoke,
Accusing the universe for the horror it provoke.

I really never meant no harm,
but felt this call with perfect calm.
This confusing and confounding tear,
glace up our stars have crossed so near.
Yet come as asked and shunned with fear,
How could this magic have brought me here?

Why do you wish for the last thing you can handle,
I am not a golem made for you my dearest.
I cry myself to sleep and say,
here I am my promised love please stay.
My life goes on without unlimited scope,
my will was aligned to meet your plight,
I trained my whole life long time
conditioned by all I felt and knew
to manage to still survive,
to come now and know you.

When amputate me you did,
I have nothing but faith to hold me here,
yet I know you threw your purest wish for us.
I see inside that far tower there,
where waits a prisoner bound by herself,
walled in and chained up so tight,
needing the merest gift of light.
I wait outside these mighty walls,
with arrows thrown and rocks down too,
with calmness and sure footing of place.
Surviving for that one promised day,
when exhausted ramparts will fall down,
and our children openly spring forth,
and then I know my heart does say
that we may live forever more.


Blindfolded not knowing where she is again
Who she is with, how she feels
Does she enjoy this?
So tied I can’t go to her
I can’t reach towards those eyes which so often turn away
Does this have any meaning?
Why does it bother me so
If it was only work why couldn’t she not kiss me before
Trust up enveloped and resting on a ledge
I have to accept this if we will have a chance
She is hating my constant closeness
Guilty for how she knows I feel.
What is left here?
Do we enjoy each other
or just provoke need in each other?

After struggling through a wilderness of a conversation
Drowning in awkward tundra
Pretending to be calm and fine
Throat choked up
She needs to finish getting ready for her deed
I hear another abandonment
I am such a mess
A small wave crest peeps upwards
Saying she loves me before leaving.

Gentle cusps 

Slight gentle cusps of fragrance and color

Taken up from their generation

Cut bleeding torn in half

The visible seized and invisible left ignored.

Little prayers

Little prayers written away on my little screen
So much hope and yearning
Not sure they will be heard
Maybe light coincidence improve
A matter of faith
No intercession,
nor reply.

Themselves a word offering,
raised up to what appears divine.
She prayed for others,
Not for me,
I am still new at this.

If I adore her,
it lets me feel.
The temple floods.
She is tired of being devoted,
and overwhelmed by her devotees.
I came too late
Atheist to herself
Agnostic to me.

I priest offer something
on behalf of the world,
contrite and crying,
forgive us all that is past,
none know what we do.

A slight passion on me
for former sinners.
Little Via Dolorosa
She sets me on,
she walks it often.

Grace I cannot deserve.
As above, so below,
make that loving contact
before it all falls down,
and we return back as before.


A pettled being wrapped in a prefab condo building,
Struggling to push up through the crust
Sunlight feeling so far above
Richness of lightless abode of soil
Rotten decaying regenerating sustenance.
The pool exhibited by the laundry room accompany this venue for my alchemy,
Without historic churches or market places, tradition is only left inside.
The land wiped clear cut off from the humans here before
Thrown together like a cargo cult,
Is this sprawling parking lot my rose garden?
Here I found my flower, calling me to devotion as my Goddess
Here where they killed all pagans
and built strip-malls over ritual spirit lands.
We can still grow here
The rotation of places help reveal the only things I can take with me.
If she can bud in such grey senseless plastic
what blooms await elsewhere.