I’m going to do this!

I am looking forward to challenging myself and my muse to write a poem-an-hour for 24 hours.  I’ve written a poem-a-day for over 16 years so I hope the dedication to the craft, the practice of poetry, and pure determination will help get me to the finish line… and proud of what I created.  In the past few weeks, I have challenged other poets to give it a try.  I hope they do!  Good luck, everyone!

No one but a poet, reprised ~

Six years ago, I wrote that only a poet ~ someone whose very marrow oozed poetry ~ would commit to an entire Saturday spent writing poetry. I stand by that, even if it’s ‘only’ for 12 hours…the half marathon.you full marathoners? Double crazy!

I scribbled on blackboards as a very small child, ‘writing.’ I still do ~ scribble & write. It’s what I do, write. I also mother, grandmother, tend a garden and its birds & bees, be my beloved’s wife, read, and obsess over tea.

I grew up overseas, a fact which infuses much of my writing. It also means I’m so glad to see such an international crew of poets! ❤️  It was a long time, though,  before I could accept that my writing wasn’t going to sound like the writing of friends & colleagues. It still doesn’t, but it still finds homes. I have three published chapbooks, and will (eventually!) send off a book mss. I’d always rather write than do business stuff!

In the meantime? I love the poetry book club I helped start in my small Virginia town. I read a lot of poetry. For years I taught writing at a state university, while also directing a federal non-profit working with teachers k-university. I believe in social justice.

As I’m too old to go w/out a night’s sleep (even for poetry), I’m participating in the half-marathon. I always look forward to seeing what I produce when I crank it out. Traditionally, that’s a good way to silence the inner censor. Each year I’ve managed to surprise myself. Doesn’t get much better than that!

Here’s to good writing time for all of us!


Excited to participate

My name is Jana O’Dell and this is my 2nd year participating in the marathon. I will be doing the half marathon, like last year. A bit about me: I live in West Virginia with my wife, 3 kids, 1 dog, 1 cat and 5 bunnies. I just self published my first dark poetry book, Cyanide Kisses, a week or so ago, so I have been super excited and consumed by that. I have various mental health issues which is why I choose to write- it gives me a sense of calm that nothing else does.


My name is Brandy and I live in a small town in Missouri, USA.  I’ve loved writing all my life. My aunts and uncles used to call me mrs. notes, because I always wrote them notes and letters. I really got into poetry in high school and I self published my own book on Amazon last year.  I joined this marathon because I’ve fallen out of the habit of writing and I want to get back in.  Hopefully between the preparation for the marathon and the marathon it’s self, I’ll get back in the groove.

Hello Everyone. :)

Hi Everyone,

This will be my second time participating in the marathon, with 2019 being my first.  Like last year, I have signed on for the full marathon.  When I participated the previous year, I was surprised that it was more of a mental and physical challenge than I had expected.  I finished, but was thoroughly exhausted on all fronts.  I am looking forward to seeing how it goes this year.  I have been struggling creatively lately, so I am likewise looking forward to stretching out and exercising that muscle.

Can’t wait to begin with y’all soon!

Excited for my first Poetry Marathon!

My name is Rebeca Ervin and I’m writing from Northern Virginia. This is my first poetry marathon but I have loved writing poetry for many years.

I am also hoping this post works as it will be a test of my ability to post during the event. I hope everyone is doing well, feeling good and ready to roll!

Carpe diem (and noctem)!


Hi guys,
I have no I idea as to who is reading this, but it’s my first time here so I felt obliged to introduce myself. My name is Ananya. I’m from India and I love writing. Poetry more often that other forms of creativity. So yeah, I’m here to have some fun, challenge myself and to immerse into the world of magic!

Floundering in Fantasy land

Hello all my fellow writers,

I’m so excited to be able to join you all in this adventure on Saturday.

However, I’m a complete newbie at online writing. Am trying to practice posting via this, wonder if I’ve got it right. Been writing for a couple of years now, particularly enjoy poetry, but am very amateurish. Don’t have a blog or anything, maybe its a good time to start?

So on Saturday, 2pm my time (Glasgow, Scotland), what happens?

Do I come in here and wait for a prompt? How does that work?