21 Doodle and Houdini

Doodle and Houdini

Were resting on the bed,

When Doodle heard a noise,

And lifted up his head.


“Houdini, what was that?

Houdini, did you hear?

It sounded like a cat!

Open up your ears!”


Houdini stretched and yawned

Before saying “Holy Cow!

I think you’re right, Doodle.

That was a ‘Meow’. “


So, off the twosome raced,

Yapping as the sped,

Forgetting further sleep,

Upon the warm, red bed.

Prompt 25/After Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot

Suggested by and quoting selected words and phrases from “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot.

Some soft October night after we’ve wandered as far as you’ll allow yourself to be walked
past sawdust restaurants, where straw arguments are dipped in tar and left
to adorn gardens designed to resemble ancient ruins,
we finish dancing around each other’s point.

We never window shop without overhearing some tedious argument or another,
but for a hundred indecisions, we agree it’s not worth​
telling each other what drugs we took before we predicted
their hundred visions and revisions.

Nothing shouts disturb the universe like disagreeing which one of your visions
has heavier implications for all the voices dying with a dying fall
and then, which one of us will admit that limping at dusk through narrow streets
is just circular logic?

Which one of us said we couldn’t relate to the songs of our peers because
we doubted those artists will sing to me?
Sure, you’ll still sing Nat King Cole in your best crooner’s voice,
but your morning shouts will wake us before we drown.

Being Stuck

Being stuck sucks
Specially when you dont know what to do
You panic, you cry, you want fresh air
But all you get is disappointment
You oppose being unable to move
But you have to give up to the circumstances
You feel the walls are coming towards you
As if you will be crushed between them
You scream, you shout for help but everything is in vain
Being stuck sucks

My Sweet


Your prickly outer cover
Is adorable to behold
You tiny little black nose
Wiggles with cheer untold.
Your tiny little body
Just makes me want to smile
If I had you near me
I’d go the extra mile.
I’d give you lots of yummies
I’d give you lots of love
I’d give you lots of comfy stuff
That would fit you like a glove.
I’d talk to you so sweetly
We’d hold a dialogue
If I could call you mine
You charming little hedgehog.


our hopes are our goals
we all have our roles
we may have a soul
and should not be droll
be more and be whole
don’t seek a loophole

Survival is Food, Life is Communication

My dog is often bored
But I hope he’s happy when he rests his head on my lap
When you live entirely in the moment
the fullness of existence is what you are right now

Foods foods- yay
Alone anxious- sads
Happy excited- wow
In pain- in pain forever

Maybe it’s less different than we presume
We feel the same way, we just worry about the future as well.

Casino Royale (you know my name)

What’s your game? Do you like to carry things around in Texas?

Do you get a kick out of poking people? Maybe you’re just a Jack

with a dark skin color. Or perhaps you’re a wheel man?

Regardless of the context, you’re better off steering clear.

You’re only fighting a losing battle.

Rediscovery (An Acrostic, Hour Twenty)





Is hard for me.

Never do I

Dare to accept or admit defeat.

I‘m invincible, right?

Not on your nelly!

Grief has whooped

My arse in

Every way imaginable.

A once in a lifetime love

Gone forever.

An eighteen plus year career

I built by my blood, sweat, and tears is

No more.

All the security and stability

I‘d envisioned for my future was whisked away, leaving

Nothing behind.

Today, I admit defeat,

Establishing myself

As a three time loser just as

Soon as she files the paperwork and makes it official.

Yesterday may have bankrupted me, but tomorrow is a clean slate, a new start.


(An acrostic is a poem where the beginning letter of each line, when reading downward, spells out a word, message, or even the entire alphabet. I’ve highlighted each letter in red to make it easier to find the hidden message inside.)

T.S. Eliot, the Love song, my response

I choose not to steal words from your mind to my write,

I thank You,

I understand,

An old soul grown old, they change but I remain,

Trapped in thought,

Dreaming of the chase,

The man caught in the middle, chased by the spotlight and never disappointing. Work but what for, always the best and more.

A shared story of life

A shared thought of loss

Trapped in a place of infinity

A repeated echo of knowing; which ending to proceed living toward.

Its all fun and games;

Then you fall in Love;

With a foolish smile, I go on my days.

I still hear the earth sing, to tease their sounds.

a dance for you; waited too long, did I??