Hour 21. (2019)


A koi surveys his pond

From emerald depths

Along the sandy ground

To sapphire heights

Above the surface

It floats freely through the cool streams

Taking in the kaleidoscope of a summer day

Therapy Dog

When Gracie cuddles up to me
a fur ball of love is all I see. 

I refer to her as my therapy dog 
and people seem to play along. 

But it’s really not a joke to me. 
My Gracie is great therapy.
There’s nothing wrong in any day
that sweet Gracie cannot chase away. 


Thought it was just a marathon
The course work has taken a shift
In the third hour after midnight
A new obstacle to vent
From the starting blocks began a lengthy foot race until the end
Nightfall has brought in subterfuge and water
Time to swim
Add a few more miles to that
Count a couple dozen laps
Avoid the pitfalls and do not end until given all you have
The course has changed as courses do
This time while in mid- stride
The path to victory never simply done
Still there is strength inside

Hide and Seek

I slip through the undergrowth,

Ears pricked, tensed.

The world goes silent around me.

I can smell the aftershave,

Hear the deep voice locked

In muscled throat, he struts.

I wait.

Whiskers tremble, pupils widen

As day melts to night.

He slowly slips to sleep…


Claws take deep to dirt and flesh,

One scream splits the night.

As he dared to lay in bed,

The jungle took half his stock.

All The Babies [Prompt 26]

  • They are the babies,

at first, they were two,

then we gained a few,

now they are a crew!

If you feed some more,

these felines take the door.

You’d think they are poor!

They are well-fed and sly!

This backyard feral group,

coming for their soup…

Another way to die (quantum of solace)

I don’t think I’ll ever understand the sick, twisted mentality that can permeate

our society like cancerous growth. So many of us die in shame after living an

entire life in a false perception of dignity. They try and push their own false convictions of morality

on others despite the fact that it doesn’t affect them in the slightest.

They don’t understand the depths of the socratic paradox

as it pertains to their own philosophical shame. But as they

rise, so do they fall. They’ll always be there to try and

perpetuate the travesty that is injustice and we’ll

always be there to thwart them, to find yet another

way to die in a world that already kicked the



touch me

please me

my happy ever after


lusty sinner

dripping wet



crying for love

soft and swollen


heart broken

never felt this high


through the night


Amanda Potter©: 2019 Poetry Marathon

Cat-Hour 21

The night has become a blanket of quiet

A quilt of solitude

Cat sits next to me

Tail swishing

A warning perhaps

He assists this poetry drivel

By batting my fingers

When they dance across the keyboard

I have insulted him with a kiss

Degraded him with attention

for now he faces away

He puts up with me for food

Yet he does care

Never leaves my side

Follows me out the door in the morning

Greets me at the garage when I come home

He finds me bearable

He knows I am devoted

And cats love being worshipped

He allows me this evening of poetry

For now as long as it doesn’t interfere

with my main duties as cat servant


A young girl, age seven
maybe eight
ran jovially through rain
splashing in every puddle as she moved

Her mom, trailing behind
smiles for her child, but her eyes betray her.
She is listless.

The world has a way of robbing us
of even the smallest moments.
Stress builds, we find ourselves trapped
underneath the mound, no longer
strong enough to free ourselves,
we succumb, not to the weight of the world,
but the weight of our own worlds
with all of their problems and “little” urgencies.

We are struggling to free ourselves internally,
but our external forms must continue to move
and we go through the motions,
always pretending nothing is wrong
because it is shameful to let someone see us
as weak.

We bury ourselves within and
put on a social mask for our friends,
families, people we love but can’t let in.

And we slowly sink deeper and deeper
drowning in our own charade.