Back roads

SR 153 somewhere between
Mullins and Savannah
is dotted with stone white
oaks, dead as hands clawing
from swampy graves.
Devil’s Dining Room Rd
doesn’t lead where you think
it will. There are three foot tall
flowers with orange heads
and orange lips foretelling war
on the uncut shoulder of a newly
paved road. They cry into
the ditch and feed the crayfish.
They fear a moving blade.
They should.

An Elegy for a Bee

Picture this: four children on a playground,
Gathered around a freshly discovered corpse.
The bee had buzzed, surely;
Had lived, had laughed, had loved;
And so the only appropriate response was clearly
To bury the creature, fallen leaves for a shroud.

It had not, to our knowledge, stung anyone;
It had not done anything but exist;
That was all required for death to take its own.

Yet that small life had value;
Its existence was enough
To merit the respect of funeral and honor of mourning.


The ships have sailed on solar wind,

Earth is the dusty relic and we are left.

And for past generations

There was an eternity of tomorrows

And we, arrogant descendants,

Assumed life was forever.

We’re waving goodbye as the last ships

Burn an old ochre sky with a smell of ozone.

We hoped for one more future,

But our dusk came.

Hold my hand, let’s watch stars burn

And die as we have, of time,

Now knowing nothing is forever.


in response to prompt 15, apocalypse or end of days

15. The Messenger XV

You walk in front of me

In the street baba

I don’t see you

All is lost

When I go to get you

Far far

Beyond the mountains

Beyond the big fields

Beyond what we don’t even know

As it is

So it is

Far far

You walk in front of me

You dance and you sing

You are beautiful as the most wonderful

Wild madness

The game is not over

It even looks like it

Just got started

The part, not fine at all

Who makes you run everywhere

Like a fool at full speed

What’s pressing you?

So much, you, who is going

In search of you don’t know what

Lost again

To better reinvent yourself always New

Once again

Weapon of Mass Destruction

There will come a time ahead when time on earth will end.

Things will grow to be so bad, we can’t even comprehend.

The only hope we have is God, who settles right from wrong,

When He returns, well-armed, with His mighty angel-throng.

The weapon He will use will not be known as common

As used in battles fought by man, in wars forgotten.

But He will end it all with just a spoken Word–

For when our God has spoken, each syllable is heard.

And whatever He commands that Day, you can be sure will be,

For He commands the first and last, throughout eternity.

And He’s the Boss, so listen well, and heed what He will say,

For God will take complete control, and He will save the day!



Hour 15 – Four Horsemen

Four Horsemen

Four horsemen from below did ride
On steeds as thin as smoke
Four horsemen seated side by side
And braggingly they spoke:

“I am Pestilence,” said the first,
“I kill with racking pain.
My sores and fevers are the worst
No one can match my fame”

“My name is War,” the second cried,
“I do not kill at all.
I teach mortals the sting of pride
Then watch the legions fall.”

“I am Famine,” proclaimed the third,
“Starvation is my tool.
Greed and hording are my watchwords,
For humankind is cruel.”

“I am Death,” the last one spoke
“No one escapes my blade.
The old, the young, the rich, the broke,
To me the price is paid.”

Four horsemen from below did ride
The Last Days drawing nigh
Four horsemen seated side by side
To watch the humans die.

A Circle: The End is the Beginning (Acrostic)

A Circle: The End is the Beginning (Acrostic)


Callous casualties of opportunistic demagoguery give way to fervent ceasefires.

Imaginations illuminate the shift that is pending. The end points to a new beginning.

Reconciliation of the fallacy of opposites finally proves the hypothesis.

Circle reunited in balance restores the Empress and chalice.

Lessons learned will be held dear for eons without masters or peons.

Expansion in mass maturation elevates the whole of creation.

Yarn hoarder’s confession

Yarn hoarder’s confession


Street vendor by trade

Crocheting hats with a

Madame Defarge intensity

Seven years I sold them


Now laden with too much

Yarn purchased on sale

I appear a hoarder unwilling

To part with smart purchases


Hats of my own design

Unable to follow formal

Instructions lost on me

I had made up my own


Now Granny squares

Has become my therapy

The same square in

Infinite colors now hundreds


As yet not unified the

Squares are mounting up

In bags hidden from view

Until one day


Perhaps to circumnavigate

This failing planet to

Cozy it up with comfort

That only Granny can offer


TobeTT  # 17

Hour 15. (2019)


Mother Nature sheds one ghastly skin

One of disease and pain and spiritual vandalism

One of love and beauty and poetry

Humanity left as no more than a healing scar on earths grimace