Perspicacious (Prompt 16)

she died

from suffocation

choking on stuffed pain

it was only after she learned

to infuse living into each day


it gave her insight

She saw truth in small kindnesses

seeing inside flesh

she returned with softened eyes

coldness seemed unreasonable


she opened windows to others soul

letting the light in

her holes were sealed


she informed me this life is just one plane for the soul to travel

and to stop worrying about what was next to happen

to live in each moment

until this life’s last



Ann Marie Soto

Beady eyed girl in linen skirt,
oh saint!
Your father will beat you
for using the bicycle.
I’ll never tell. Tins
of ribbon candy are your
salvation. An orange for
your kingdom. An orange for you
to release those frogs
and give me the rubber bands.
Another orange if you promise
to steer clear of cats
and pine cones and turpentine.
Oh, young saint, Mexican saint,
saintly skin thin and tough,
saintly beads for saintly eyes
that plot. Oh, Ann Marie,
saint of clean laundry
and skinned knees.
Oh Ann.

The Universe (prompt 18 and 19, Hour 15)

Physicists claim the universe is shaped
like a soccer ball, and we are inside, with holograms
coating the boundaries,  projecting all possible angles of view,
individual and complete like Indra’s net.
Physicists claim that black holes extrude through the walls of space-time
like scattered spikes that can suck us out
of this universe to be birthed into another
(could we but survive the trip).

Physicists trumpet dark matter and dark energy,
places so black that nothing appears to exist.
Yet neutrinos that no one has seen pour through the gaps
in the known particles each second, for unknown reasons,
without witness, outside the range of sight, unfelt.
Why do they exist? Their only known property is
to bounce back when they are compressed.
Did neutrinos force the Big Bang? Do they drive expansion?

Gloriously, we, whatever we are,
evolved for this world and time,
small bags of water, composed of nothing
but billions of competing colonies of bacteria
made from particles of stardust.

We are animated by a life vibration no one comprehends,
that seems like music in constant motion.
We are eternity knowing itself as separation from oneness.
We have senses to experience this life, so knowledge blooms.
There is light, there is dissonance, there is movement,
there is separation from other things.
This is what it means to live.

We have sensors.

Quivering waves from space fill our ears with sounds
made in the ancient past, taking light years to arrive.
The shock waves of star births and atoms colliding,
of movement and the pulsing of galaxies,
of the slow drumming of black holes.
Even war cries and moans of devastation,
hymns of praise and nursery songs once sung
reverberate indefinitely through space,
creating, always creating.
We are moved to align and vibrate in reply,
like human Chladni plates.

Eyes and brains perceive fractured waves of light bouncing
and give the light names like crimson, gold and sky blue.
We give textures names like rough, smooth, gritty, soft, wet.
Label the tastes of bitter and sweet, sour and salt,
define the objects we start mouthing as infants.
The smells of sweet lilacs and hyacinth, of roses and lemons,
of urine and death, saturate us with emotion
and codify remembered experiences.
The senses define our experiences.
They are our puppet masters.

We were made for this world and this time,
inconsequential individuations of random origin.
We ride this elegant, blue planet whose beauty we uncovered
as we floated through space, and it exists because
competing colonies of bacteria formed from stardust evolved
to coalesce here, and experience shared explosions of sound
and vivid eruptions of colored light in this one location.

This small water planet rampant with life,
made real and unique by our angles of view,
is the unlikely edge of the universe.
We are learning it is our creation.
We are the creating creators and the created creation.
We are uniquely made to know it,
and it will swallow us in the end.

The Beginning and the End

The beginning and the end

The beginning

Raw darkness pervaded elsewhere

Light hidden in its womb

Matter deposited as spirit

Dispersed throughout

And the universe woke up to life


The end

Contradictions annihilated life

And matter dissipated as primordial spirits

Returning to the folds of darkness

Dark years to meet light years

And make and remake life


Hour 15


Cave Paintings, 2150

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a thick hush

rolls like fog across the mountain

a wavering moonbeam

cuts like a knife through the tall fir

a shadowy figure

stands like a statue on the dock

a slow hand


coffee filled canteen


the spell.

Before/After [18/19]

  • “The Beginning”

Darkness hides the light…

yet, the light was always there.

An atom…

a star…

a Milky Way;

No name to describe …



the spark that will lead the way.

We …

us …

rise up and shine brighter and brighter!

The darkness …

must not see…

will not see!

We rise!

”The End”

Light does not die…

we …

us …

I …

am just lifted.

Away from those …

who feel they won.

We rise …


There had to be a wash…

A so-called end;

do not bend …

to the darker force;

no remorse …

lift up …

shine high;

You are here;

there …

Light is everywhere.


The Big Bang

I think we were alive before life itself existed.
All-embracing as Nothing
minute as Everything.
This black breadth is the blanket
of which all lies and truth hide under.

No perception mattered
to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch
and all other ways to sense
could never disturb us.
We felt it all, unaffected.

Time cannot touch us here
we are eternal gods
swimming in the milky primordial void.
Our waltz was peaceful
as a sleeping baby, incapable of abstractions

and as graceful than
a seraph in any dimension.
When we ceased to be
we exploded and flung
to opposite sides of infinity.

But at least we created something beautiful.


It’s all true, you know.

Surely, at some level, you know.

Your God and my God

and all those “other” Gods

are One,

are different interpretations of the same divinity.

How startled we will be on that last explosive day

to see “Them” ascending right there beside “Us.”

All the divisions we’ve created will disappear like a child’s tears

when distracted by a different toy,

and the love we could have known throughout the eons of humankind

will blossom in the light of Truth,

and then, only then,

there will be Peace on Earth.