Hour sixteen: Ode: My god spelled backwards

If we loved things in the moment the way
we do in retrospect, no poems would ever
be written. No love letters would be found

by grandchildren, no stories of spectacular

losses and unlikely saves would be told
by parents anxious to relive their glory days.
There would be no glory days, just an endless

blue sky, which, if unchanging, might as well be

grey, or no sky at all. Without darkness,
there is no way to conceptualize light.
Regardless, I know that I have loved

every moment with you to its fullest. No overlay

of memory could color you sweeter.
No poem can explain the way it feels
to lay my head against your ribcage

and fall asleep to the symphony of your breath.

I believe that every other light only reflects
your glow, that you are the sun in a world
of moons, a brightness from which I can find

no shadow. You do not make a good story,

but you are the reason I keep writing,
keep breathing, keep believing that love
is more than a plot device, more than a star

that falters and dies, waiting to fall over the horizon.

Prompt 18: The Beginning

“You egotistical bastard, this ain’t about you.”

“Of course it’s not, it’s always about you. You selfish bitch.”

Two daughters, stood off to the side


Hiding in the darkness

Listening to their parents fight once again

“Wanna play a game?” The first twin asked who was dressed in white.

The second twin dressed in black turned and smiled, “What’s the stakes?”

The first twin smiled, with a grin on her face, “Everything.”


“It’s your fault!” Screamed the twin in white.

“No it’s your fault!!” The twin in black yelled back.


The yelling and screaming from both sides of the room

Caused a shake and energies to go


“Shit, Now look at what you’ve done. Eve come on.” Screamed Father God.

Eve smiled at her sister and gave her hug, “I’ll see you soon.”

Then disappeared with her father.

“Lilith, Come dear,” Mama Universe called out.

Lilith turned towards her mother. “Yes Mom.”

Then they too disappeared

Leaving a quake from their shake.

As their auras travelled to a place.

Of Blue, brown, green, and white.

An atmosphere they could enter.

Without a fight.

With no opposition.

Then Father God and Eve appeared again

“It worked.” Father God said

“Can we play again?”

Father God looked at his daughter.

“Of course you can. I’ll even give you someone to play with.”

Eve smiled as she watched her father release his sperm.

Then sent it down below to earth

“Go,” He said. “Find him.”


“Will I be alone,” Lilith asked

Getting used to her new home.

Mama Universe shook her head as she looked up to the sky.

Knowing everything will be alright

Inhaling with a deep breath before blowing out one of her eggs

To intersect with the sperm above.

“Right on time,” she whispered in the sky.

“Go on Lilith, what you seek is hidden and right before your eyes.”

Lilith smiled before rushing off.


Making sure she was gone.

And no one was in sight.

Mama Universe lifted off.

Up into the great heights.

Where Father God waited.

In their bed.

Planets off.

Sun shining.

“Ready to go again?”

Mama Universe smiled.

As her starry hills and mounds twinkled bright.

“You know it,

Let’s drop some meteorites this time”

Then jumped into the bed.

Pulling the clouds up over them.

Hidden yet could be seen with flashes.

And heard through the rumbles.

Of their love making and fucking.


Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved











Mother Nature

Mother nature welcomed us
With perfect habitat
Fruits to eat
Water to drink
Natural caves to live in
Weathers to enjoy
Trees to help us sustain

We didn’t need more
But we thought we did
Now we destroyed all he gifts
To fulfill our greed
The mother is angry
She is coming to get us now…

Universal Consciousness

The birds, they sit and watch me as I think,
and deer wander near as I, in solitude, visit their yards.

Mountain lions warm their tails beside my fire,
and bears grumble a gruff hello when I tread upon our trail.

Children smile, reach for my hand,
nd I delight in their love.

Pets, whose owners say “he never likes anyone”,
love me anyway, for nothing but kindness they see.

I am the world, and the world is me,
as we speed through our galaxy.

A spinning orb, we circle round a sun so hot
e shade our crown, and mingle in the beauty here.

I am the universe, and the universe is we,
together with me.

I am never lost, nor am I found,
for the land goes round, and round, and round.


In the beginning

out of the vast emptiness of space

the Creator created heat with the fast rubbing of hands

then a large clap

and all civilization began

the earth evolved and creation took over

they sought to mimic the Creator in creation

but greed and power replaced good

the Creator saw the creation was flawed

He rubbed his hands and with a clap

the creation was no more


In the beginning…


Hour 15: The Beginning

The Beginning

Beautiful before beauty

destroyer and creator

Out of the vacuum

Out of the oscillations

Out of the vibrations

we were born

hot with no observer

from the silent, bubbling crucible


Rain (Poem #15)

The thunder rolls

The lightning strikes

As the rain begins to pour

Rivers begin to flow down the streets

Flowers become covered with little crystals of rain drops

The clouds so dark and gloomy

Yet the sun still peeking through to say good morning

With the blink of an eye

The silver lining

The sun beginning to break the clouds open


no more engulfing the earth


beginning to break open the seal

The new day beginning

Hope that the day won’t end

The thunder speaking in the silence

The lightening showing the unseen

The rain expressing the intimacy

between me and the unknown

Rivers in the street of my passions beginning to move

It’s happening

I know why I love the rain

And everything that comes with it

I love the rain

Because it is a dance

It expresses how I feel

It is intimate and deep

It is complex yet simple

I will never fully understand it

But I love the rain

Wild Flowers, a story of weeds

Cement, plaster, iron and glass

man’s permanent structures sure faded fast

So glad we’re together, so glad we know

that a garden well tended will eventually grow

it may take a while, even long years

expect a few tangent’s, a few well paced tears

but we know some deep magic, between you and I

there are seed banks and aquafers under this sky

conserve what we can, that much we’ve learned

take care of the land, before it’s all burned

out and empty. No more delay

They said it would happen, some counted the day

Others they laughed and dove deeper into the void

Mother Earth was annoyed

she spewed and she spat, but she wasn’t destroyed

the pumpers and frackers, the excess of want

detritus now, the fats cats grown gaunt

service economy, dichotomy revolt

Kudza eats the houses, the ground swallows whole

all things not necessary, created below

the sky and the sun, the breast of the snow

through the cracks in cement the flowers still grow


Poem 16 “What Can You Do with Formless?”

What Can You Do with Formless?”  by Mandy Austin Cook

what do you do with formless?
you find a clean canvas
knowledgeable hands caressing clay
with a love that an artist can understand.
it’s a beautiful work
molding clay
forming earth into a shape that is recognizable.
your own image stamps it
that would happen naturally as you work
because the clay takes a while
to warm in the hands,
to find its response.
it takes its own shape in time
into the delicate detail of the world
soft supple earth
rough ridges of tree bark
delicately paintbrush- touched drops
of leafy dewey green……..
what an intricate personal work that is
the Artist and the clay.
what a beautiful thing – to look around at nature and say
what can you possibly do with formless?