Dear Me (Prompt 14, Hour 11)

Look around at who is with you,

Worry less about those who are not there.

Your tribe may be different than you thought,

But they are the ones who care.


Stop being a porcupine, using your quills to keep people away,

Changing is important, if you want better days.


Letter to a Younger Me-Hour 11

Dear Divorcing Cindy,

You are heartbroken right now

Lost, alone, aching

Contemplating your whole future

Wallowing in every mistake

every missed piece of evidence

Every lie he told has become your darkness

It isn’t. that’s him not you

I know this hurts

Your core is shaken

All you believed before

Doesn’t apply now.

Your humanity is lost

But you will survive this

Better, you will be stronger

You will be able to love and be loved

So many lovely things in store for you

He won’t be back, I know you want him to be

But you will see that’s best

You will find greater love

Love that doesn’t lie or steal

Love you don’t have to fight for

Love that washes over you when you look in his eyes

There will be better times

Better places

This time will end up meaning so much

Because your growth is enormous

You will find strength from despair

Happiness from your weaknesses

You will see the world

In a whole new light

Don’t give up

Don’t give in to the despair

Hold your head high

And walk away proud


Letter to the Strawberry Girl

Sweet girl
your reality 
was never what 
it was meant to be. 

So instead 
you dwelt in fantasy. 
And created a life
as you hoped it could be. 

I'm grateful to you
my Strawberry Girl, 
you helped me survive 
a brutal world. 

Skyline [10 – #selectedwords]

We climbed slowly
so slowly through the hushed fog of morning,
through dripping fir and cedar so silent we could hear birds crying,wheeling distantly overhead.

Kulshan’s peak towered in the unseen distance,
touched only by moonbeams, far–but not far enough–from the city’s concrete and noise.

We lost ourselves in the snowshelves of the trail,
before bursting out onto the ridge where
we heated the canteen and had a biscuit
and some damn fine coffee.

Prompt 14, hour 11( dear formar self)

Dear formar self

I love you
And forgive you
I understand now
It wasn’t your
You did the
Best you could
At the given
Moment and time
But now you
Must let go
And not visit
Me with those
Gifts that
Hurt you
And me
Learn , respect
And grow
We have talked
Many times
Not to visit
Like this
In secret and
Be open and
And be yourself
And formar self..
Love you
Dear myself,
My format self
But it’s time
To go..
Over and out !

Flew the Coop

Like a bird, I sat in a cage

Waiting for your attention

Each day I watched as you walked by

Not knowing my intention


The cage – prison of security,

of my very own invention

I cooed, I squawked, I made a mess

Longing for some intervention


I waited and wondered,

why not sing with me?

A song of our invention


An ounce of prevention

Is worth a pound of cure

However, understanding that

seems beyond comprehension


My sorrow grew strong

My patience grew thin

My needs, only

Fostering dissension in the end


So now your gone,

Flew the coop

This nest is mine alone


I will sing my song

And sing it strong

Being left in isolation

And strong conviction

Hour Eleven – a letter to my past self…

“Dear 9 year old me”

Stay in your room
Let them sort it out
You are not responsible
It is not your fault
She is sick in her mind
A devil on the loose
Do not open the door
There is nothing you can do
Protect yourself
Learn to be strong
She will never be reliable
You must grow on your own


My ice cream

My ice cream

Ice cream coffee in a foggy day

In my favorite canteen

With stain shelves and concrete floors

Visiting Washington, DC.


(Free poem, Hour 10 @Mejia2019)

The Wheel

The Wheel

On a blood moon night

Near the green lake

The stars dance in harmony

Announcing a new day

The crowd cheers for a New Year

(Free style, hour 9 @Mejia2019)

Coffee Hushed Moonbeams (Hour 10)

I dance in an unseen fog,
desperate for the canteen I left behind on the trail,
this damn concrete takes its toll on my knees with every step.
In the shadow of the Douglas fir,
I find a shelf to dock the book of my adventure
where no one will ever see it.