# 8 Just Another Day

Curled body in an empty bed.

Another  sleepless night ahead.

Tossing and moaning,

The pain is real and agonizing..


Reaching out…gasping the breath.

From a long night of waiting.

Is this longing can see the end?

She’s to tired for wanting.


She hopes the end is nearing.

So she no longer paining.

It’s been long overdue.

The thirst is now real and new.


The morning come… she opens her eyes.

Hoping to see a ray of light.

But once again, she sighs.

Just another day… not in  paradise.



Letter to My Younger Self

My dear younger self,
This is your future – no,
Don’t walk off, there’s things
I want you to know.

I remember you well,
So new to the abyss
We’ll return there, but
You can get through this

Happiness is not
Confined to the past
I can promise you
The pain doesn’t last

I can’t promise you
That we win this fight,
But I know this much:
It will be alright

Form: Line Messaging

Hour 11: To my younger self

You will find it funny,

How many of those Death Cab songs you like so much, those modern fairy tales

Seem to have come true

But don’t worry so much.

Not because there’s  nothing to worry about

Time won’t cure you of that

But because you dont know what to worry about

And because it tends to get in the way of the good things that are coming

Dear Jan On The Plane to Madrid

Dear Jan,

You're on the plane to Madrid right now.
It's the best decision you've made so far,
and you've tended towards good decisions. 
But, well, you've been cautious and safe. 

Just know: 
Take more chances.
Stroll those magnificent streets and alleys.
Learn old people's names and all their stories.
Master the cooking. Imitate the regional dances.
Make Madrid your playground. Remember: parks every day.
Sleep under the stars more on your tiny little balcony.
Flirt with the men when you dance, and walk home with 
your best girfriends, one at each house in those streets 
you'll grow to love. 
Spend more time with families who embrace you as one of their own.

You'll do these, I assure you, but do more. 
Dive in and keep taking those chances. 
You'll look back on this with great love. 
So beautiful and strong and independent already, 
be so - just more. 

To Deanna, the Young Mom

To Deanna, the Young Mom,

Chin up my dear, it’s tough I know
If anyone knows that it’s me.
To have a child who is always sick
Another with a disAbility.
Take the journey day by day
Learn all you can know
It is perfectly okay to cry in the night
For the life you won’t ever know.
What might surprise you, my sweet
Is the life that you WILL know
A life that’s full of happy things
In spite of your time in the lows.
The boys will be just fine
With typical woes mostly
A few things that might shock you
But life is like that, you see.
When the children are all grown
You will find the freedom to soar.
You will go back to school in your 40’s
In order to learn some more.
A job will come your way, my friend
That will answer that yearning call
A job of helping others
In the journey you have already walked.

With lots of love,

From Deanna, the Older Mom

Prompt 14 Hour 11

Dear Girl,

You will face so much more than the skinned knee of today,

Stubbing your toe will still hurt, but not as much as other things.

You will always dance, unafraid.

When the rains come

And yes they will.

Do not fear the flood, for you have learned to swim.

You will shed tears that you fear will never end

But they will.

And the nightmares come in different shades of darkness, but you have learned to wake.

Dear Girl,

You are beautiful, you are wise and I am so very proud of what you have become.



Me and also you.





Dear Me, From Me

Your dad is doing the best he knows how. Acknowledge that, say thanks, and move on.

Accept your body for what it is and work with it. Your physical health is tied to flexibility and there’s only one way to get more flexible.

The choice is always yours.

Anxiety will be a major player in your life forever. Lean in to it.

When it’s brutal, get out of the way.

P.S. Say nice things to yourself sometimes.



Like a pebble loose in my shoe

your face

your smile

bouncing around my memories

rubbing tender spaces raw

10. A.I

10. A. I

In the very near tomorrow

Artificial Intelligence is a fact not a dream

An intelligence from human kind they wil initially borrow.

And then surpass humans as a team.


Predicted by Asimov and Stephen Hawking

Robots will be superior by far.

Motional and intellectually talking.

In the 80′ s KITT was just an imaginary car.


The world as we know it would change and evolve.

Coding,  robotics and genetically modified,

buzz words round and round will revolve

Until A. I will rule and be ratified .


Will humankind adapt or become extinct?

Will AI allow us to populate and survive

Arguement is rife with a possibillty so distinct

That AI will humankind into extinction would drive.

Dear Little Girl

poem 11

Dear little girl
in a broken world
that is fighting to dim your starlight,
don’t let them hurt you
or steal your joy
just love them and show them what Christ’s like.
