10. The Messenger X

The last day, just before…

Before the Great Collapse

I am with you

You’re not snoring – for once

The last day, we already feel

The lack of breath in the fins

The last day we are still together

I tell you “Look at me in the eyes… deep inside”

I’m not the one you believe I am

Quite the opposite

How didn’t you guess?

After all this time

It’s too late


We’ll never be together again

The Players

So many fantastic stretches

rise before me full of

bones and tattered bridges that

break no one’s falls


I’ve asked sweet things

of terrible people and had the

nerve to play victim to

their inevitable disinterest


We pity fools for playing

their part without the courage

to admit our own roles

in the pages we write

caffeinated dreams

moonbeams in my coffee

soon the hush, will fall over

the concrete jungle


And the damn fog

will come rolling in

upon the dock


pouring from an

empty canteen

she’ll set the finished works

on the dusty shelf of fir


Amanda Potter©: 2019 Poetry Marathon

Entry 10 Half-Marathon 00.00 EU time – Joking


There were once seven bears –

three were black, three were polar,

one was bi-polar.


The remains of my day –

one boiled egg, left-over corn flakes,

a dab of butter


The remains after surgery –

one left ventricle, four optic nerves,

a handful of vertebrae


Children of Blood and Bone

On the day Mary was alone

She tried to create her clone

She worked with deep brown soil

Slaving away in wasted toil

‘Cos Man was dust plus life force

A special blend of blood and bone



Poem 9


By: Ashley L Powers






Frequencies freely flowing



Reclaiming everything once stolen



Positive vibes


Exiting the matrix

Joyous moments


All the things needed to take back…..


….my inner peace ☮️


poem 10

I still remember how you looked
the night we first met,
your golden eyes illuminated in the moonbeams.
Something about the way you smiled
made me feel things,
like I was standing at the edge of a dock,
about to dive,
unsure what I would encounter in the depths.
First friends, then lovers,
our memories were made between the hush of the summer’s breeze
and the fog that drifted up from our coffee.
As time passed by,
yours was the face I looked for in a crowd
and the smile I longed for
on lonely days.
We faded,
like autumn leaves;
our love was most beautiful
before it fell apart.
I met you in the moonlight
and lost you in the blinding light of day.
Years have passed,
but I still have your picture on my shelf.





Weaved within the law of cosmic balance

Knots in the web cause ‘need fire’ reaction

Driven to turn stresses to strengths

Needs & distress release, no longer a distraction


Changing Fate, with knowledge & wisdom

The Norn orlog tablets for re-casting

A newly grounded force of reality

Is brought into positive action


Nauthiz operates by what necessity dictates

Not what you desire or wish

Skuld veils all future fate

To profess otherwise is foolish



Lincoln in the Bardo (Prompt 11 and 12, Hour 9)

He didn’t mean to die,
and break his daddy’s heart,
that poor little Willy, but he did.
We almost lost our Mr. Lincoln to grief.

Only the kind spirits saw the danger,
knew what had to be done, and selflessly
applied limited etheric skills to pull the boy
from the clutches of schlerosis. To pull daddy
back from his shocked, catatonic state.

The scene was chaotic, as one might expect
when a hodgepodge of circus clowns, comedians,
fathers and doting mothers in various states of decay
confer on strategies best avoided by the living,
and as certain to confuse .

But Mr. Lincoln was closer to joining them himself
than any living person could see. He felt their pull,
and let them lead him back to his boy.
The urgency of his love broke through to his son.

Willy’s spirit raised itself up just in time to be saved
from eternal misery. His spirit arose with a clap
of thunder to the afterlife, and Mr. Lincoln’s spirit
was yanked through the graveyard fence, away from the place.

The spirits drifted back to their flamboyant displays and
collegial mutterings, no emotion attached to the scene
they had created. It had had to be done, and they did it.
A few of their number were rewarded.

They ascended, to the bafflement of the others.
To the bafflement of the readers.
To understanding only of the brilliant writer who gave them life.
And one other, for whom the spirits of the bardo solved
a long-standing literary problem.

(I am uncomfortable posting this as a poem, but the hour is up and I have no time to revise now. Pretend it is poetry until I can make it so! :))

Prompt for Hour Nine

The Great Alone

How heavy is the world?
You asked your dad
before realizing it
weighed him down

How far to the moon?
You asked your mom
before knowing its
vastness consumed her

How is want, a brother
And need, a sister?
You asked the universe before
blowing out your birthday candles

How full are my dreams?
You asked yourself
before facing
the great alone