Poem #8

childhood was like a dream

carefree, full of possibilities

treasure trove of wonder and curiosity


adulthood was a harsh wake-up call

to reality yet surreal

truth and lies woven together


so I heard though experienced neither.

Hour 7

Oh I am wandering
Drank a cup of
this intoxicated
What the heck
Happened to
My heart?

I drank this cup
And now I live
Fully and
Whole heartily

In one moment
I lived centuries

Why did I
Contacted this

A wave of ecstasy
swept over me
And I drank
The whole
Universe !

My heart is
And I renounced
My mind

Now nothing
Affects me
My heart
I don’t
Give voice
To my pain

Oh I am wandering
Drank a cup of
this intoxicated
What the heck
Happened to
My heart?

I drank this cup
And now I live
Fully and
Whole heartily

In one moment
I lived centuries

Iowa Evening: Hour 7

An Iowa dusk finds me
falling, helpless, into an endless sky.
On a road far before me
a farm truck spins a cloud of dust
that blossoms gold in the evening light
as the vehicle disappears.
Farm houses lay silent, close and flat
to a faraway horizon
while a setting sun
flames its way into the corn.

I feel the small scale of my heart
blossom and bloom in this endless place.
And everything I breathe
is earth and light and sky.

Travel thru the Mirror Poem 8

Travel thru the mirror

Where my face used to be

No wrinkles

Where my neck was smooth and silky

Travel to before the gray tinge

And the small hump

forcing me to lean forward

Travel thru the mirror

Where innocence lived

Where Love was simple

and the Future alive


Travel back here and see the reality

A woman aged and tired

Saged and wired

Regrets, broken hearts



Travel thru the mirror

One day an aged crone

Will look back at me

See innocence and love

And wonder why

I believed in regrets

Why I worried over broken hearts

and responsibilities


The mirror reflects

What our eyes see

a moment’s glimpse

Into the self we imagine

ourselves to be.



A life of love she lacked
riddled with turmoil, pain
and unhappiness

A decision she made to heal
learned empathy, compassion
and self love

Now she is rooted in love

Hour 8, Prompt 10 – Sevenling: Dad

He asked for three things:
A bottle of Coke, a package of cheese and peanut butter crackers
and a ham sandwich

He hated dialysis
and diabetes
and kidney failure

He never wanted these things… all at once


In memory of Al Eisnaugle (12/20/1946-6/22/2008, 11 years ago today)


He loves taquitos and dancing with me in the moonlight,

holding hands, playing with my hair,

tender kisses and blasting music while cooking,

rubbing my chest when I’m not feeling good and making things with his own two hands.


He hates the feeling of inadequacy and the taste of coconut,

the way his hair looks without gel,

when people voice their opinions without considering the other point of view,

people who merge on the freeway without using their turn signal.


… And he chose me. 

Entry 8 Half-Marathon 22.00 EU time — For Rod and Eva


That certain sadness

of not having regrets –

I’d love that.


Memories of what never

happened, and of absence –

I’d love that.


The dance we didn’t get

to do, the fading music –

I’d love that.


The rain that came and

lingered when you died –

I’d love that.


The quiet of night,

with its stars so bright –

I’d love that.



I’m willing to clean her vomit,

cook her breakfast,

and wash her sheets.


I listen to her pains,

celebrate her successes,

and smile when she needs it.


We’re 7 years in, with 70 to go.


The butterfly

Her wings felt papery in the wind,

Her eyes dotted by black,

She had never felt such a ravenous hunger,


Any minute she would pass out,

Her wings would stop,

And slowly she would fall to the ground,


The harsh winds threw themselves against her,

And she struggled to stay aflight,

As she navigated the dark forest,


But then, when it looked as if all hope was lost,

She had come to a clearing,

A place where the trees came to an end, and the darkness evaporates


In front of her, in the middle of the clearing,

Was a house, surrounded by a white picket fence,

And she smelt something sweet coming from behind that picket fence,


Her stomach gasped at the smell,

And she was drawn to it,

She flew over the fence, and into the garden, in a daze,


Then, she spotted a bench,

And on it, slices of beautiful, orange fruit,

She could almost taste it’s sweet flesh, and she had to have some,


She spotted a chunky slice near the edge of the bench,

There were others there too,

But she couldn’t care less,


She dive down to the slice,

She placed her lips on it,

And, savoury every drop, she drank,


The juice filled her up,

And quinched that hunger,

After a while she stopped,

For the first time in a long time, she was full