Hour 8: Post 8: The Daydreamer

Creativity, chaos, illusions and dreams

Sadness, laughter, anxiety and defeat

This is what makes me who I am

Thoughts so scattered you couldn’t try and piece them together if you tried

Memories so embedded into my brain that I couldn’t carve them out with a knife if I needed to

Regrets that burn so deep, no amount of medicine can take away the sting

This is what it’s like living with demons inside your head

All they do is continually wish you dead

Remaining strong and grounded is a chore that most people couldn’t even believe

Yet I wake up every morning

Battling the same thoughts, day after day

Proving to myself and the world that while I may sometimes just live in a daydream

I’m also the hero in my own, unspoken, unappreciated story

Look at the stars
Shining above 
Look at the sky
Looming above
Look at the tree
Standing still 
Look at the clouds 
Moving in the air
Feel the breeze
Rustling your hair
Feel the joy
Floating in the air
And be thankful
For everything 

Prompt 10/H8-Form (Sevenling)

We had 3 things in common,
Same shoes, same hair,
even the same birthday.

We were strangers:
Different parents,
Different friends,
And different countries altogether.
Yet somehow I’m on trial for a crime she committed

Keep Out

The keyhole to her heart

Was covered with

Heavy chains

And padlocks

Anyone else

Would have heeded this


Keep Out sign

But he didn’t


Cancer has taken my

Mirth, Song

And Grace


And given me


In their place, in their stead.


And I am uncovered from heart to head.


Prompt 10, Hour 8

Many things I treasure
Strong coffee, family, and love
Puppies and babies.

Other things are less a pleasure
Smelly socks, onions, and rudeness
Durian and hate.

….the feels are so intense.

Ideal Reader

My ideal reader must like
Tamora Pierce, Terry Pratchett,
And Josephine Tey

Though I don’t write magic,
Or comedy, or mystery; yet
These are my best fit.

I think my audience will be small.


Form and prompt: Write a sevenling.

Too Good

When it looks and feels too good to be true most likely it is
Never fall for the smooth words he tells you
Sometime you might need to question your heart and go with your gut feeling
Never let your guard down once you do it easy to fall for the lies or blind you from the truth
Never put your all into something even if it feels real especially if you have a little doubt
Never put your trust is someone who could eventually break your heart
Never fall in love with someone whose not capable of loving you
Never believe someone who makes you feel like what you have will never end because that’s not reality
Ppl get bored and then they become unfaithful
Never open up because once you do thats when you become valuable and that’s when the boogeyman can take advantage of your heart.
Never fall into their trap because they will tear you apart mentally, physically, emotionally and you’re left with nothing
Just your broken heart and pain

Consequential Moments

Sixty-some years ago we ran
Barefoot through the rain
Rode the river rocks
Down the creek again, and again
Drove through mountains
Wind blowing in our hair
Chased fireflies and
Counted falling stars and then…

Fifty-some years ago we ran
Headlong into reality
Drove hours to see family
Changing diapers in the car
Chasing toddlers
Through the store
Counting hours
Between feedings and then…

Forty-some years ago we
Lost our way
Through life
Struggled to
Make sense of anything
Longed to be whole again
Wandered aimlessly
Through heartache and then…

Thirty-some years ago we
tried again to make
Broken lives function
Searched for our
Lost ‘inner child’
Found the child
We had forgotten
Again denied them space, then…

Twenty-some years ago
We found new hope
Love to be explored
Greater Love to be shared
Family to blend
Hearts to mend
Brokenness to surrender
We stood barefoot taking vows, and now…

Today we stand as three
And we are whole in Him.

Sandwiches Enough at Last

She, alone, was ready for the apocalypse.
She was well equipped with weapons.
She was designed for survival.

She had no family ties
No one to slow her pace down.
She had everything she needed for years

But the raspberry, orange jam for her PB&J sandwiches.